This is the most dramatic event that can and did happen to man in these last days.
It makes people wonder and many confused about receiving revelations from God to us today, here and now.
Most religions say that God has done his work in former times and leaves us on our own. They say there are no more revelations from God. No More Miricles.
He gave us the Bible and we are on our own. All our answers are there. We don't need any more Bibles.
Don't listen to them. He has spoken to all the earlier prophets and gave them guidance for their times and what would come in the Last Days, and so He does now.
No other sign should be given such important consideration than having the Heavens open us and guidance to man in this day.
We are His children, think about it.
If you were God and your sons and daughters were on the earth, coming here at different times to be tested, would you talk and guide some in Adams time, Enoch's time, Abraham's time, Moses time and at the time of His Son's ministry and then leave the rest of us, in these perilous times to fend for ourselves.
We all have a purpose, a mission to perform and to get things ready for His Son's Second Coming. We NEED the guidance and the direction from Him to accomplish that which He sent us to do.
He has given us Prophets. Look through the scriptures like the Bible. You will see he only gives Revelations to His Prophets. Consider this:
7 Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. (In modern Revelation the Lord clarified the word BUT through his latter day Prophet Joseph Smith and told him to change it to UNTIL. Does that not explain the verse and make it more clear?)
When the Lord is going to do something, He tells His Prophet on Earth so he will know and tell His servants, the Saints of His church so they can prepare and be aware and ready for what is coming.
He has told us for over 100 years to have a Year's Supply of Food, and other emergency essentials. We MUST prepare. This could be because of earthquakes, hurricanes, loosing a job or the destruction's of the Last Days.
We do not know, but must obey.
God The Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, appeared in person, together, to choose the First Prophet of this Dispensation to begin the work of the Last Days in preparation of His Son's Return. And another reason for the appearance was to show, on record, and for His Prophet to know, that they are TWO SEPARATE BEINGS. God the Father and Jesus Christ, His son.
He clarified this then, at that moment, that the Father and the Son are ONE, not in Physical, Immortal body, but ONE in knowledge, agreement and in all things, but still separate personages and Immortal beings.
When these events happened, these were REVELATIONS IN and OF THEMSELVES.
It shakes up the world in their limited knowledge that they still think that they are ALL IN ONE, EVERYWHERE AND NOWHERE.
All of the Godhead, The Father, The Son, The Holy Ghost are INDIVIDUAL, INDEPENDENT BEINGS. The Father has an Immortal body, So does the Son, but the Holy Ghost does NOT, because He is a personage of Spirit, but is everywhere and He Testifies of the Father and the Son.
The Holy Ghost can testify of Them and the truth of all things, but WILL NOT STAY WITH THE PERSON unless they are Baptized and are given, by confirmation, The Gift of the Holy Ghost, becoming members of His Latter Day Kingdom that has been established with PROPHETS, APOSTLES as the foundation of His church, with He, Himself, Jesus Christ, being the Chief Cornerstone.
The Gift of the Holy Ghost means, if you remain righteous, the Holy Ghost will be with you AT ALL TIMES and Guide and Warn you in all things.
But your FREE AGENCY or FREE WILL allows you to disreguard His Guidance if you choose.
If you do, He leaves you. He will return IF you REPENT and correct your sins and if need be, to the proper authorities in His Church.
You will know IF He returns because of the Peace you will feel inside.
19 Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God;
20 And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone.
Visions, Revelations and Gifts of the Spirit are here NOW.
Predictions of the Last Days are NOW BEING FULFILLED.
You need Personal Revelation from Him for your guidence today. All sons and daughters can receive Personal Revelation for themselves.
Men, as head of their household can receive revelation for their families, Single women with their children can also, but for ordnances to be performed, they need to go to a Priesthood Leader. Bishops receive guidance for their wards and so forth.
Revelation and Guidance for the whole church only comes from the Prophet, the Senior Apostle.
You need Personal Revelation from Him for your guidence today. All sons and daughters can receive Personal Revelation for themselves.
Men, as head of their household can receive revelation for their families, Single women with their children can also, but for ordnances to be performed, they need to go to a Priesthood Leader. Bishops receive guidance for their wards and so forth.
Revelation and Guidance for the whole church only comes from the Prophet, the Senior Apostle.
For further information about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, go to and search out the site.
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