First, everyone must keep in mind – Ask yourselves this. This is just reasoning for you to think about now, not later.
Who is going to tell us that an EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse) is coming or on the way?
The way things are today, who, of the higher ups, cares if we know.
NEXT: HOW would they tell us in time?
Would it come through a radio? You would have to be listening continually.
Again: How much control do the higher ups have over communications?
How many minutes will it take before they try, if they try, between a launch of a missile to tell us? They may be busy trying to stop it.
Think about it, we may be on a computer like we are now and suddenly all power goes out. That fries the computer, the wiring and anything outside the Faraday boxes.
Next: all wiring and electronics will be fried.
Actually, who cares, except you? You have pictures and things on it.
You worry about your car or your gas generators. They are fried too, unless protected.
No, your car is not a good Faraday cage. And even if it keeps running, the electrical grid will be down, so the gas pumps will NOT be working, so NO GAS.
If they are, soon they will be out; IF your car is running and you are able to get to the end of a line at the pumps. Welcome to the Bicycle and walking age again.
No trucks of Gas are running because their wiring is also burnt out and are dead on the side of the road.
No trucks? Forget the food being delivered to the stores.
They will be empty within 3 days or so. Flash mobs will be all over. Very dangerous to be out on the streets.
No car or gas, it is going to be a trick to carry the things you can find, home, safely, on a bike or worse walking and out in the open.
IF the trucks are running, they will probably be stopped in route and raided.
How about WATER: Water pumps are run by electricity.
Do you have water storage and food storage to last at least a year? Get some survival books, military and otherwise.
It will take a long time for the grid to be repaired, if at all. Parts will be almost impossible to find because much of the manufacturing is done overseas, and those people will probably be the ones who caused the EMP in the first place.
Why should they help us?
The way to get them and transport them to the affected site will be a huge problem.
Who is going to be on the job trying to do this while their families are left alone, without protection and possibly without food and water?
So IF your computer is protected.
You have music or something else to occupy your time? How much time do you think you will have to listen? How will you charge it? You need Solar Power. See the web site below.
You will be continually looking out your window and all around to see if groups or mobs will be coming up the street, breaking into houses for food or anything.
Research and learn how the people of the 1800s lived and survived.
LEARN IT because you will probably have to live that way soon, for quite some time.
Some say you can plant a garden? THINK on this one.
OK, what about those mobs roaming, they will be raiding any gardens that are available and probably raid the house that is near it.
By the way, without water, how are you going to grow that garden anyways?
Water is almost the most important thing you should have. You can live a lot longer with out food, but not water. Your body is made mostly of water and it needs to be replenished.
The best thing to do is to grow inside, in your window, SPROUTS. Very little water is required. That is live and the best thing you can have in this situation and most will not know you are doing it. If you had a years supply of sprouting seeds, you could probably exist on that alone, but you would be sick of eating the same thing, over and over.
Your Refrigerator will be fried too.
Get a small Frig and test it, then put it back in the original box and wrap it with Aluminum foil on the outside. Make sure there is not a pinhole in it. It has to be complete. Leave it there until needed. It does not have to be grounded, but have it sitting on boards because wood is not a conductor.
Be sure to have what you need, start now, to accumulate a year supply of food and DO NOT go into debt to do it, and try to do it as soon as you can.
Get out of Debt as soon as possible. The dollar will probably crash because of the out of control printing of money. The more money on the market, the less each is worth. Pay off your debts with the money now when it is worth something. Other countries have gone into Hyper Inflation meaning that each dollar could be worth a penny or even less. Check out the Weimar Republic in Germany. That IS coming.
Put some, 10 to 20 percent of your money, not much more than that, in Gold or Silver. Gold for rich people, Silver for middle class or poor people. Never in paper form, but the item itself. Not in bars but in coin. Junk silver like 1964 and older in dimes, quarters and halves. You know what they are worth and you can tell if someone tried to scrape off some and polish it up again like you can a bar of silver. Get the 90 percent silver coins, not the 40 percent.
For water, have a couple of 55 gallons drums of water with hand pumps.
You can get some 100 gallon drums also. Some are for re-hydrating dehydrated food, and some for hand washing sanitation.
Remember no showers or baths, only by hand, and hand washing of clothes, mostly under ware and sometimes, outer clothes.
Sanitation is the most dangerous. Rats, sicknesses and other things will happen if people do not know what and how to take care of this.
Go to, by Jim Phillips, “The Hidden Deadly Disaster,” Failed Sanitation Will Catch & Kill The Unprepared.
Get some solar units that are cheap and can give you light when needed. One good place is: Their YETI 1250 can run your small refrigerator so you can keep food and medicines. Their 150 unit can run a c-pap machine most of the night, their 400 unit will have no problem at all.
That is another thing, get a year supply of medicines that you cannot do without. Because of transportation and production being stopped, there will be a problem.
Cooking your food storage will be a problem unless you have the means to do it. No gas will be available, fuel has stopped; you must have alternative methods of cooking. Here are some suggestions.
Stock up on charcoal in bags, starter pellets or paper, matches or these little friction guns that light.
Another way is to get some propane canisters, big and small, and possibly a Volcano stove, which you can use, propane and charcoal in and use Dutch ovens on.
Don’t count on propane forever because it will run out. Charcoal will run out eventually too.
Last and cheapest is to have an All American Solar Oven at It can, in winter or summer, get up to 450 degrees when placed outside when the Sun is out.
Cook what you can on good days to last a few days in a small refrigerator. This can be run by the Goal Zero Yeti 1250. Remember to watch for mobs. If conditions get to this point, you can bet there will be some.
A dehydrator would be a good thing to have. Many things will last longer if it is dehydrated, like Jerky. Think Ahead.
When you store foods, do not store things that need to be frozen. When the power goes out, so will your freezer. Unless you have a couple of YETI 1250s.
Get canned goods and ROTATE them.
Get black permanent markers to put the dates you purchased them on it and/or the expiration date. Many foods will still be good past the dates on them so test them first and know which ones last. Nutrition may be gone but you have bulk. Any question on that, throw it out.
Some other storage items are Food Supplements and One A day vitamins. This will help some when you do not have all the foods you need.
The best is the dehydrated stuff, which you do not need to rotate, because they last for 20 to 30 years, but the way things are going, you probably will be using them sooner than later.
If you get a Food Storage Unit, which is good for one person for one year, you will probably need a Wheat Grinder and a Heavy Duty Mixer for making the dough.
Try to find ones that can work by crank when the electricity goes out. Anything you do, always make sure no one is roaming the area. Once they smell food, watch out.
To protect yourself and your family, you know what you have to have, with extra you know what. Don't wait too long to get them.
But first, Food, Water, fuel, medicines and then those things.
A must have book, to use in getting ready for being self-sustaining is at this site.
For food storage click on the ad on this site because they have most of what you need.
I would not get the SPORT Sun Oven, because it is not a good as the full size one.
I could go on and on but this will get you started.
Comments are welcome.
Friday, November 15, 2013
Faraday cage,
gas generators,
gas pumps,
Friday, November 8, 2013
There are many practices that are not good for people to be involved in. I will name some of them and touch on them lightly.
EXORCISM: This is an imitation of the true order which devils are cast out of people by false ministers who do not have actual Priesthood Power and Authority.
This was more common anciently but rarely done today because more people do not believe in miracles or in the existence of devils.
In the scriptures, some of the Jews saw Paul cast out devils and tried to do it but the devils said they knew Paul but they did not know them. The priesthood authority was present in Paul but not recognized in them.
See Acts 19: 11-16.
SPIRITUALISM: Those religionist who try to have communion with (as they suppose) departed spirits are called spiritualists.
This communion, if it happens, is shown by physical happenings like spirit-rapping, and trances, are shown forth by mediums. Some mediums make contact with spirits in seances. Most of the time, if they do contact spirits, they are the demons and devils that were cast out of Heaven for rebellion in the war in Heaven.
It is estimated by some that there were 150 billion spirits in Heaven and one third rebelled and were cast down. That is estimated to be 50 billion evil spirits.
There are 7 to 8 billion people on the earth at one time, so that would give 6 or so evil spirits per person tempting us.
Of course, many will do evil by themselves, so why waste evil spirits on those, so some people could have a lot more than 6 assigned to tempt them.
2 Nephi 18: 19-20
19 And when they shall say unto you: Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep and mutter—should not a people seek unto their God for the living to hear from the dead?
20 To the law and to the testimony; and if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.
OUIJA BOARDS: Many people think using an Ouija board is fun but in reality, it is very dangerous. Wise people never seek revelation or guidance with Satan.
Ouija boards are devices used by spiritualist mediums in receiving messages or guidance, thinking it is from a departed person, but is actually from the devil and his demons.
In the hands of someone who have actual contact with evil and unseen forces, the use of the Ouija board is wicked and a devilish thing and should not be tampered with by anyone.
WITCHCRAFT: This sect is supported by Satan and is one of the most evil and wicked sects. This is a craft which actually interacts with evil spirits. They have engaged in this craft and practice black magic and have entered into a compact with Satan. The modern term of Witch today has been limited in application to women.
There is no such thing as witches who are old hags or rides on a broomstick in October Skies.
In the America’s about 34 A.D., the Lord said:
3 Nephi 21: 16
16 And I will cut off witchcrafts out of thy land, and thou shalt have no more soothsayers.
In the Old Testament the offence was excommunication then death by stoning.
Leviticus 20: 6, 27
6 And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people.
27 A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them.
This was done in the Middle Ages and in early American history.
This was an apostate and unwarranted practice. It is very possible that many who received this treatment were NOT actually communicating with evil spirits.
This is what happens when true religion is not present. We are fortunate that the True Church is here now on earth.
CONJURE MAN or WOMAN: These are in some localities such as the southern United States and in the West Indies.
They practice magic or black magic and try to summon evil spirits by invocation or incantations.
EVIL SPIRITS: Many people don’t believe in evil spirits, the devil or Satan and this is what Satan hopes for.
I will explain.
People who believe in God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ should automatically believe in Satan and his angels.
Why? I will tell you.
Before this earth was made, we ALL existed as sons and daughters of God the Father, who we refer to as Heavenly Father. We all knew His First Born Son, Jehovah.
He was our Elder Brother who came to earth over 2000 years ago and is now known as Jesus Christ.
He came here to get His Body and to perform the Atonement so we can ALL make it back and become Immortal.
Every person, good or evil, living or who has ever lived on the earth will become Immortal.
But, it is important to realize that there is not just one Heaven.
Paul said he was caught up into the third Heaven; this is the Celestial Kingdom he was talking about.
So,it falls to reason that there must be a first and a second Heaven.
We will all go where we all merit.
Details of the Kingdoms were revealed in modern revelation from the Lord about the Last Days in:
Doctrine and Covenants 76. Read this.
These are all Kingdoms of Glory, but there is also Outer darkness, where the Devil and his angels will reside, along with those who came here to earth and chose Evil. They will be immortal too, but what counts is WHERE you will live for eternity as an immortal.
Do not think that those who have lived a good life or had repented of their sins and was cleansed by the Atonement of Jesus Christ will live in the same place as those who had chosen Evil here. I am glad that I will not have to make those decisions, but Jesus Christ will.
Jesus Christ or Jehovah of the Old Testament was Heavenly Father’s First Born Son.
Another of His sons were born and was named Lucifer, and he was a “Son of the Morning”. He was in high standing among His sons and daughters and had much influence with them. Many or One Third listened to Him.
He rebelled against the Father’s Plan of Salvation, which was to create an earth and have His children go down to it, receive a physical body and still retain the Free Agency they had in Heaven.
They were to come to earth without memory of their former life and be tested in making choices.
That is the position ALL of us are in now.
The war in Heaven happened and Lucifer and the third of Heaven who followed him were cast out, down to the earth.
This third were our brothers and sisters.
Satan and his angels had LOST that part of the war, but it now continues here on the earth.
We, who have been born here on earth and received physical bodies, had chosen the right side there. Let us not fail this FINAL TEST and choose wrong here.
There are no retakes of this test.
Lucifer’s name was changed to Satan otherwise known as the Devil. He is now being used with his fallen angels to tempt us and make us choose between good and evil.
Do not be deceived by the appearance of Satan. He does NOT have horns. He was our brother and looks like one of us. The same is for his followers. All are brothers and sisters.
They chose wrong in the War in Heaven and have been DENIED a body of Flesh and Bone like we have.
He has many; many ways to trick us and tempt us but HE DOES NOT have the power over us to make us choose evil.
His temptations can be used to a certain point, and then our choice comes into play.
If we choose evil, WE chose it.
All through this life we will have this choice in ALL THINGS. The excuse “The Devil made me do it,” will not work at Judgment Day.
Evil spirits control much of the so called religious worship in the world. Great creeds conform to their whispered promptings and have formulated much of the philosophies and scientific theories of the world.
Many leaders of nations have led their people into wars and every sort of evil throughout history. Satan has been the master of all this.
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, 8 March 1831.
Doctrine and Covenants 46: 7
7 But ye are commanded in all things to ask of God, who giveth liberally; and that which the Spirit testifies unto you even so I would that ye should do in all holiness of heart, walking uprightly before me, considering the end of your salvation, doing all things with prayer and thanksgiving, that ye may not be seduced by evil spirits, or doctrines of devils, or the commandments of men; for some are of men, and others of devils.
In these Last Days you will see many evil things that will appear to many as miracles.
Do not be deceived.
The way to test the appearance of an Angel or the Devil, go to this revelation given to us by the Prophet:
Rely on prayer and the promptings of the Still Small Voice.
It may be the only voice you can trust in critical times.
For further information, go to
Comments are welcome.
EXORCISM: This is an imitation of the true order which devils are cast out of people by false ministers who do not have actual Priesthood Power and Authority.
This was more common anciently but rarely done today because more people do not believe in miracles or in the existence of devils.
In the scriptures, some of the Jews saw Paul cast out devils and tried to do it but the devils said they knew Paul but they did not know them. The priesthood authority was present in Paul but not recognized in them.
See Acts 19: 11-16.
SPIRITUALISM: Those religionist who try to have communion with (as they suppose) departed spirits are called spiritualists.
This communion, if it happens, is shown by physical happenings like spirit-rapping, and trances, are shown forth by mediums. Some mediums make contact with spirits in seances. Most of the time, if they do contact spirits, they are the demons and devils that were cast out of Heaven for rebellion in the war in Heaven.
It is estimated by some that there were 150 billion spirits in Heaven and one third rebelled and were cast down. That is estimated to be 50 billion evil spirits.
There are 7 to 8 billion people on the earth at one time, so that would give 6 or so evil spirits per person tempting us.
Of course, many will do evil by themselves, so why waste evil spirits on those, so some people could have a lot more than 6 assigned to tempt them.
2 Nephi 18: 19-20
19 And when they shall say unto you: Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep and mutter—should not a people seek unto their God for the living to hear from the dead?
20 To the law and to the testimony; and if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.
OUIJA BOARDS: Many people think using an Ouija board is fun but in reality, it is very dangerous. Wise people never seek revelation or guidance with Satan.
Ouija boards are devices used by spiritualist mediums in receiving messages or guidance, thinking it is from a departed person, but is actually from the devil and his demons.
In the hands of someone who have actual contact with evil and unseen forces, the use of the Ouija board is wicked and a devilish thing and should not be tampered with by anyone.
WITCHCRAFT: This sect is supported by Satan and is one of the most evil and wicked sects. This is a craft which actually interacts with evil spirits. They have engaged in this craft and practice black magic and have entered into a compact with Satan. The modern term of Witch today has been limited in application to women.
There is no such thing as witches who are old hags or rides on a broomstick in October Skies.
In the America’s about 34 A.D., the Lord said:
3 Nephi 21: 16
16 And I will cut off witchcrafts out of thy land, and thou shalt have no more soothsayers.
In the Old Testament the offence was excommunication then death by stoning.
Leviticus 20: 6, 27
6 And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people.
27 A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them.
This was done in the Middle Ages and in early American history.
This was an apostate and unwarranted practice. It is very possible that many who received this treatment were NOT actually communicating with evil spirits.
This is what happens when true religion is not present. We are fortunate that the True Church is here now on earth.
CONJURE MAN or WOMAN: These are in some localities such as the southern United States and in the West Indies.
They practice magic or black magic and try to summon evil spirits by invocation or incantations.
EVIL SPIRITS: Many people don’t believe in evil spirits, the devil or Satan and this is what Satan hopes for.
I will explain.
People who believe in God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ should automatically believe in Satan and his angels.
Why? I will tell you.
Before this earth was made, we ALL existed as sons and daughters of God the Father, who we refer to as Heavenly Father. We all knew His First Born Son, Jehovah.
He was our Elder Brother who came to earth over 2000 years ago and is now known as Jesus Christ.
He came here to get His Body and to perform the Atonement so we can ALL make it back and become Immortal.
Every person, good or evil, living or who has ever lived on the earth will become Immortal.
But, it is important to realize that there is not just one Heaven.
Paul said he was caught up into the third Heaven; this is the Celestial Kingdom he was talking about.
So,it falls to reason that there must be a first and a second Heaven.
We will all go where we all merit.
Details of the Kingdoms were revealed in modern revelation from the Lord about the Last Days in:
Doctrine and Covenants 76. Read this.
These are all Kingdoms of Glory, but there is also Outer darkness, where the Devil and his angels will reside, along with those who came here to earth and chose Evil. They will be immortal too, but what counts is WHERE you will live for eternity as an immortal.
Do not think that those who have lived a good life or had repented of their sins and was cleansed by the Atonement of Jesus Christ will live in the same place as those who had chosen Evil here. I am glad that I will not have to make those decisions, but Jesus Christ will.
Jesus Christ or Jehovah of the Old Testament was Heavenly Father’s First Born Son.
Another of His sons were born and was named Lucifer, and he was a “Son of the Morning”. He was in high standing among His sons and daughters and had much influence with them. Many or One Third listened to Him.
He rebelled against the Father’s Plan of Salvation, which was to create an earth and have His children go down to it, receive a physical body and still retain the Free Agency they had in Heaven.
They were to come to earth without memory of their former life and be tested in making choices.
That is the position ALL of us are in now.
The war in Heaven happened and Lucifer and the third of Heaven who followed him were cast out, down to the earth.
This third were our brothers and sisters.
Satan and his angels had LOST that part of the war, but it now continues here on the earth.
We, who have been born here on earth and received physical bodies, had chosen the right side there. Let us not fail this FINAL TEST and choose wrong here.
There are no retakes of this test.
Lucifer’s name was changed to Satan otherwise known as the Devil. He is now being used with his fallen angels to tempt us and make us choose between good and evil.
Do not be deceived by the appearance of Satan. He does NOT have horns. He was our brother and looks like one of us. The same is for his followers. All are brothers and sisters.
They chose wrong in the War in Heaven and have been DENIED a body of Flesh and Bone like we have.
He has many; many ways to trick us and tempt us but HE DOES NOT have the power over us to make us choose evil.
His temptations can be used to a certain point, and then our choice comes into play.
If we choose evil, WE chose it.
All through this life we will have this choice in ALL THINGS. The excuse “The Devil made me do it,” will not work at Judgment Day.
Evil spirits control much of the so called religious worship in the world. Great creeds conform to their whispered promptings and have formulated much of the philosophies and scientific theories of the world.
Many leaders of nations have led their people into wars and every sort of evil throughout history. Satan has been the master of all this.
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, 8 March 1831.
Doctrine and Covenants 46: 7
7 But ye are commanded in all things to ask of God, who giveth liberally; and that which the Spirit testifies unto you even so I would that ye should do in all holiness of heart, walking uprightly before me, considering the end of your salvation, doing all things with prayer and thanksgiving, that ye may not be seduced by evil spirits, or doctrines of devils, or the commandments of men; for some are of men, and others of devils.
In these Last Days you will see many evil things that will appear to many as miracles.
Do not be deceived.
The way to test the appearance of an Angel or the Devil, go to this revelation given to us by the Prophet:
Rely on prayer and the promptings of the Still Small Voice.
It may be the only voice you can trust in critical times.
For further information, go to
Comments are welcome.
Monday, November 4, 2013
An EMP is an Electro Magnetic Pulse.
If a nuclear bomb went off two or three hundred miles above the USA, it could take out the electrical grids over most of the country.
The sun could also do the same and produce a large solar flare and create the same kind of problem in knocking out electricity and either can fry the electrical wiring, killing the transformers and any electronic equipment and computers.
Google EMP and you can find a lot of information on EMP.
If this happened, we would be living in the 1800s again. No computers or most of the electrical equipment we have, unless it was protected in a Faraday cage.
This could kill a 200 million within a year of less. With no refrigeration, food would spoil and people would starve.
People on medicines that have to be refrigerated would go bad.
Stores would run out of food after a couple of days.
No trucks would be arriving with food because the computer controls in them are dead. Those trucks would probably be raided and emptied.
Mobs would run the streets, breaking into houses looking for food and in the meantime, looting and possibly killing also.
The government has been watching Iran and Korea for a possible attack from off the continental limits. They have been practicing EMP's. One ship on either side of the USA could do it and we may not know it in time for us to protect ourselves.
Do your own research on this.
For electronic items protection, look up Faraday Cages or Boxes covered in tin foil, no pinholes at all. Does not have to be grounded. Just stack them on a shelf or wood which is non-conductive.
As I have mentioned before, Food Storage in cans or any way that does not have to be refrigerated or frozen is the best way to go.
Store water for as long as you can feasibly do, because it can be used for other purposes besides drinking. Remember, water is pumped in and those pumps are run by electricity.
With an EMP you will not have electricity, no water, no stove.
All American Sun Ovens, propane, charcoal and other things will become very useful.
Think ahead, Plan ahead. Analyze and war game different scenarios. Ask yourself, what do I need to have if this happens? If this happens instead, what do I need? What else would I need with this item? If it is dangerous outside, can I use this inside?
If you can get by with a small refrigerator, you can get a 1250 watt solar unit to plug into. You can check into that at
Do your own research. Talk and listen to others but make your own decision; it’s your life and your family’s life at stake.
The Lord has told us of the things that will be coming in the Last Days.
Another site to check out is
Those days are here.
He also told us to prepare for every needful thing. He has told the Prophet and Apostles to warn us for the last 80 years to get in a one year supply for foods and other items in case of being out of a job or a natural disaster or economic disruption which was not foreseen.
Those of you who are reading this article, if you are not a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, it does not matter. The Lord is telling ALL OF US to prepare.
Where else on earth are you hearing this warning of preparation?
It is because we have prophets and apostles on the earth today to guide us but their message is for everyone.
It is because we have prophets and apostles on the earth today to guide us but their message is for everyone.
Let’s say that you prepare for all the things I have spoken, and nothing happens.
Think about it.
Once you did your own research and looked at the world conditions and weather patterns on the increase and the political situation getting worse and then you prepared for all these things, how did you feel? Relieved? More at peace?
Once you had all these things in storage, didn’t you feel peace within you? If nothing ever happens, look at the peace you had along the way.
But, if things do go out of control, you are prepared and do not have to worry as much as those who did not listen.
When I told you things in my other articles or in articles that talked to you about preparedness, did you feel in your chest or bosom, a sense that you should check into this or you should prepare for what they were talking about.
Did you act on that prompting?
That is the Holy Ghost or Spirit or Still Small Voice speaking to you.
Learn to listen to it and most of all, OBEY IT immediately or as soon as possible.
There may come a time soon where that inner voice of the Spirit will be your ONLY guide.
There may come a time soon where that inner voice of the Spirit will be your ONLY guide.
If you listen, you cannot go wrong.
Comments are welcome.
Monday, October 28, 2013
The big questions on everyone’s mind are
where do I start, what do I do first, what is the most important?
Read what the Lord said through a prophet of the Lord:
Here are some top priorities as I see it.
including Wheat and grains, Water,
Wheat Grinder (Electric and a Hand),
Heavy Duty Dough Mixer, Medications and medical supplies, clothing, blankets, fuel
if you are allowed or an All
American Sun Oven.
Weapons. Some think that
this is not needed, but if we get to the point where the dollar crashes and the
economy goes down, those will be important.
You may have to protect your family and what you have in storage. If things break down there may be mobs
roaming the streets. This is not
wild. Look at Europe. It is coming here. When? Unknown but possibly soon and that is not
the time to try and prepare for the wolf will already be in the hen house. Read what the Lord said through a prophet of the Lord:
45 Nevertheless,
the Nephites were inspired by a better cause, for they were not
fighting for monarchy nor power but they were fighting for their homes and their
liberties, their wives and their children, and their all, yea, for their rites
of worship and their church.
46 And
they were doing that which they felt
was the duty which they owed to their God; for the Lord had said unto them, and
also unto their fathers, that: Inasmuch as ye
are not guilty of the first offense, neither the second, ye shall not suffer
yourselves to be slain by the hands of your enemies.
47 And
again, the
Lord has said that: Ye shall
defend your families even unto bloodshed. Therefore for this cause were the
Nephites contending with the Lamanites, to defend
themselves, and their families, and their lands, their country, and their
rights, and their religion.
If you pick up the book “Making the Best of Basics 12.5 Edition”
handbook. It will take you into much more detail in all areas of
being self-reliant.
matter what else you have, if you do not have this, the rest will be useless. Start by getting an extra weeks supply, then
two, then a months, then two, then three, then do that 3 more times to
accumulate a year supply.
If you can afford it, WITHOUT GOING INTO DEBT, you
can buy a complete unit for a year for about $900.00. This is a Basic Unit for one person. There are more expensive ones with a better
selection, but to sustain life, the basic unit will work. These units are dehydrated food in cans or
Freeze dried. Freeze dried is lighter in
weight but a little more expensive.
A note on Wheat. This is the
staff of life according to the Lord.
after ground up become darker wheat flour and becomes darker wheat bread (which
I like the best).
grinds into white flour for white bread.
lasts for years. Wheat has been taken out of the pyramids that
are over 3000 years old and it is perfectly good today. Why?
They were stored in a cool dark place as far as I could see. Once you crack it to make flour, then it
starts to deteriorate in nutritional value.
Don’t start eating a strict whole wheat diet. Help your system to switch by using some
white flour in it and gradually go to straight wheat. You can make cracked wheat cereal. Try to get use to your food storage, little
by little BEFORE you have to use it strictly.
Be sure to replenish what you use.
Use a black marker for marking dates on items.
cannot over emphasize the importance of the book I mentioned.
You don’t necessarily have to rotate these
items. They are usually good for 20 to
25 years, in sealed #10 cans and some bulk items in buckets.
GRINDERS AND MIXERS: If wheat is involved, which is used
for making bread, you will need a grinder and a heavy duty mixer for the
dough. These will be mostly electric,
but if you hunt around you may come across some that can work on electric and
by crank, if the electricity goes out.
If you cannot find one, you can buy Hand Grinders separately but you may
have to make the dough by hand. I was lucky;
I found both grinder and mixer that can work both ways. Look around. Some may be used.
Pick up other items to vary the diet and to
make it enjoyable like peanut butter, jellies, spices, and other items that
your family like and usually eat. Those
will have to be rotated, eating the oldest first so they won’t go bad.
WATER: Water should be kept cool and covered over to
keep it in the dark. You can also use
DARK containers. Blue or Black, not
clear. Bacteria grow in light. If gotten
from a good water source, it will keep for a year or two. It can be disinfected by boiling if needed,
or by using Clorox Regular, unscented bleach without soap additives or
phosphates. An example is 2 drops per
quart if the water is clear, 4 drops if it is cloudy. For a gallon, 8 drops
clear, 16 cloudy. Use only the liquid,
not powdered bleach. Stir and let stand
for an hour or more. Bleach more than
one year old, double the amount, more than two years old; it has lost its
effectiveness. Keep it rotated.
How much do you need? About 1 gallon per day per each family member
for two weeks. With dehydrated items to
reconstitute, you will need more. Then
there is washing, cleaning, etc. A
couple of plastic, dark, 55 gallon drums would do OK. Just don’t use water like you would in normal
I just cannot stress the above mentioned book enough. Get it from the source you want but get it. It will teach you much of what you need to
know to be ready for things that are coming.
Be sure to get the 12.5 Edition.
It is
the newest edition.
They first came out years ago with only about
250 pages, then 500 pages; now this 12.5 Edition is 750 pages. There are loads of websites and information
sites in it. This is a great way to
You do not have to get it from this website
but so far as I have found it, this is the cheapest site.
will touch
on the other items in the upcoming articles
and give you some web sites to look at and my opinion on each.
Here is one good website.
Comments are welcome.
dough mixer,
Sun Oven,
wheat grinder
Friday, October 25, 2013
Looking ahead.
Many people recognize the way the world is going and feel uneasy. They think of their family and look ahead and see problems. World war, natural disasters, losing their job, sickness in the family and many other possibilities.
They ask themselves, how can I prepare for the future?
In the following articles I will give you some ideas, some references on how to begin. It is up to you to take those ideas and research them and then decide to do it for yourself and your family.
Some even think of extended family, friends and neighbors. You know that some of them are not looking ahead and you want to be able to help them. You should strive to get a year supply.
Remember: To eat an elephant, you eat a bite at a time.
So, start to get a week’s supply, then a month, then two, then three. Do that 3 more times as you go. If you can do it faster, Great. But, DO NOT go into debt to do it.
Getting Started.
Go to this website and click on all the links and make notes. Employment, Food storage, Finances.
A main goal is to have a good job that will provide you with what you need to live on. To have sufficient food to exist on for a period of time needed. To have your finances in order, out of debt as much as possible and some money set aside to live on until things get straightened out.
At this very moment, while I am talking to you, my power went out in my home. I had looked ahead for possibilities like this and prepared ahead.
Yes, my laptop can go for a while, but another source of power would be helpful. I know this is not an EMP (look that up on Google and learn) because everything would have been fried, burnt out, computers, wiring in homes, cars made after 1972 with computers in them.
I am Lucky this is a regular power outage, BUT I was prepared. My laptop is charging and I am typing to you now. I have some small portable solar generators. It is a great test of my being self-reliant. Even though I got bumped off the Internet, I can send this later. This is a good, unexpected example of being prepared.
If this was an EMP, I would still be OK. I have FARADAY cages for protecting all of my electronics, except this computer and my I-pad that I am currently using would have been fried, but everything I had in the cages would be OK.
My regular phone connection is out so it is just my area. This computer went down to 87 percent but it has only been a few minutes since I plugged into my solar rechargeable battery, the computer is now at 100 percent. GREAT.
My cell is working so I just called my solar company, and told them how great their portable power items are and soon I will have the link on my site for them.
Getting started – Continued.
What an advertisement for preparedness.
Look over some of the websites I will give and make your plans.
For a great reference and learning manual, pick up (in paper form in case your computer goes out) “MAKING THE BEST OF BASICS” by James Talmage Stevens, 12TH edition 2012. It may cost about $20.00 or so, but to have the paper form is in itself, preparing for all problems.
In a nutshell, here are the basics that most people can get together to sustain life. Once you have this amount for each member of your family, you could live for a year. Once you have this, build on it by adding extra things to it so you don’t have to eat the same things over and over.
Store what you eat and eat what you store. Rotate it.
Here are the basics to sustain life.
Wheat, powdered milk, salt, sugar or honey, water and sprouting seeds.
If you have this, you need a grinder, electric and/or a hand grinder if your electric goes out, and a mixer tough enough for bread, though you can do it by hand.
You can live without food for a while longer if you have at least water.
Sprouting seeds can be grown in a window, out of sight of people and this will give you what you need in place of a regular garden. It is live when you eat it so your body gets what it needs for good health. This has live ingredients. If you had a year’s supply of sprouting seeds, and water, you could live a year but the diet would be sickening without having other different items for change.
Keep all Water and foods in a cool dark place for longer life. Water grows bacteria in light. The book mentioned above, covers all of this in detail.
For cooking it would be wise to get an All American Sun Oven, (not a Sport Sun Oven). Most days it can be used. It can get up to 400 degrees on a winter day too. Just needs sun.
Wood, propane and charcoal would be good to have as another source. If you run out, there is always the Solar.
Try to store food that does not need to be cold or frozen. Can goods, Dehydrated and Freeze dried is the best. They last 20 to 30 years but the way things are going in the world right now, you may not have to wait that long.
Listen to the Still Small Voice of the Spirit when it talks to you inside and most of all – OBEY IT.
The company is a little higher in price compared to Emergency Essentials but it depends on what you get.
I consider Utah the Preparedness Capital of the World because of the thinking ahead of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and its people.
That is my personal opinion.
I will be blogging about different topics of self-reliance and will post information from time to time under this title on this blog.
Comments and questions are welcome.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Many ask themselves, who is God and why does He even care about us?
Since we are His sons and daughters, we have a spark of Deity in us and He wants us to be like Him. He knows we will not get there in this life, but after this life, depending how we choose.
Most of the world does not realize that they are all sons and daughters of God, the Father. He has sent our spirits here to obtain a body and be tested in all things and to learn how to take care of this body. He has given us Free Agency to choose between Good and Evil.
This shows Him who we really are and how much we can be trusted with responsibility when we return.
It also teaches ourselves who we are also. He shows us our strengths and our weaknesses so we can correct the weaknesses and make them strengths and to improve on our strengths.
The coming, as a spirit, into a body for this test was just as scary for us, as much as we are now scared of dying.
He has made it that way so that we will try to stay alive as long as we can to postpone dying and accomplish the mission he sent us to do.
We all have experiences to go through and things to learn. He has also given each of us a mission or responsibility to accomplish the things we promised Him we would do.
We are not here by chance.
We are taught by our earthly parents to be honest, kind and be hard workers. They tell us how to survive after they are gone back to Heaven.
We live alone at first, then marry and have children and we teach them what we were taught.
The Lord knows we will have trials and challengers, and bad times. This is especially true for those of us who now live in the Last Days before the Second Coming of his Son, Jesus Christ.
He has given His children on the earth prophets at different time in history to guide us and teach us.
In these Last Days it has not changed, no matter what anyone else says. He has not left us alone.
Jesus Christ has Restored His church and also Restored the Fullness of His Gospel. He has given us prophets again. We have not had a prophet since 421 A.D.
Because He knows what is coming in cleansing the earth of the wicked, He has told His prophets to tell us to prepare.
The Prophet Heber J. Grant in 1936 was inspired by the Lord to institute and teach the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to become self sufficient.
Forty four years later in 1980, Apostle Ezra Taft Benson of the church and former Secretary of Agriculture under President Dwight D. Eisenhower, told us to Prepare for the Last Days of Tribulation.
He became the Prophet of the Church in 1985. He knew what was coming and stressed strongly to be prepared.
Do not expect prophets in this day to look like or dress like prophets in ancient days. Prophets act and dress like those in their day.
Listen to or read this talk. Click here.
Even if you are NOT a member, this is important for you to hear.
When this Church was Restored by the Lord, and He chose a prophet, the prophet was to be for the Whole World, not just the church.
If they would listen.
He knew many would not.
Articles on Preparedness will be entered under this category.
For more information on this church see
Comment are welcome.
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