An EMP is an Electro Magnetic Pulse.
If a nuclear bomb went off two or three hundred miles above the USA, it could take out the electrical grids over most of the country.
The sun could also do the same and produce a large solar flare and create the same kind of problem in knocking out electricity and either can fry the electrical wiring, killing the transformers and any electronic equipment and computers.
Google EMP and you can find a lot of information on EMP.
If this happened, we would be living in the 1800s again. No computers or most of the electrical equipment we have, unless it was protected in a Faraday cage.
This could kill a 200 million within a year of less. With no refrigeration, food would spoil and people would starve.
People on medicines that have to be refrigerated would go bad.
Stores would run out of food after a couple of days.
No trucks would be arriving with food because the computer controls in them are dead. Those trucks would probably be raided and emptied.
Mobs would run the streets, breaking into houses looking for food and in the meantime, looting and possibly killing also.
The government has been watching Iran and Korea for a possible attack from off the continental limits. They have been practicing EMP's. One ship on either side of the USA could do it and we may not know it in time for us to protect ourselves.
Do your own research on this.
For electronic items protection, look up Faraday Cages or Boxes covered in tin foil, no pinholes at all. Does not have to be grounded. Just stack them on a shelf or wood which is non-conductive.
As I have mentioned before, Food Storage in cans or any way that does not have to be refrigerated or frozen is the best way to go.
Store water for as long as you can feasibly do, because it can be used for other purposes besides drinking. Remember, water is pumped in and those pumps are run by electricity.
With an EMP you will not have electricity, no water, no stove.
All American Sun Ovens, propane, charcoal and other things will become very useful.
Think ahead, Plan ahead. Analyze and war game different scenarios. Ask yourself, what do I need to have if this happens? If this happens instead, what do I need? What else would I need with this item? If it is dangerous outside, can I use this inside?
If you can get by with a small refrigerator, you can get a 1250 watt solar unit to plug into. You can check into that at
Do your own research. Talk and listen to others but make your own decision; it’s your life and your family’s life at stake.
The Lord has told us of the things that will be coming in the Last Days.
Another site to check out is
Those days are here.
He also told us to prepare for every needful thing. He has told the Prophet and Apostles to warn us for the last 80 years to get in a one year supply for foods and other items in case of being out of a job or a natural disaster or economic disruption which was not foreseen.
Those of you who are reading this article, if you are not a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, it does not matter. The Lord is telling ALL OF US to prepare.
Where else on earth are you hearing this warning of preparation?
It is because we have prophets and apostles on the earth today to guide us but their message is for everyone.
It is because we have prophets and apostles on the earth today to guide us but their message is for everyone.
Let’s say that you prepare for all the things I have spoken, and nothing happens.
Think about it.
Once you did your own research and looked at the world conditions and weather patterns on the increase and the political situation getting worse and then you prepared for all these things, how did you feel? Relieved? More at peace?
Once you had all these things in storage, didn’t you feel peace within you? If nothing ever happens, look at the peace you had along the way.
But, if things do go out of control, you are prepared and do not have to worry as much as those who did not listen.
When I told you things in my other articles or in articles that talked to you about preparedness, did you feel in your chest or bosom, a sense that you should check into this or you should prepare for what they were talking about.
Did you act on that prompting?
That is the Holy Ghost or Spirit or Still Small Voice speaking to you.
Learn to listen to it and most of all, OBEY IT immediately or as soon as possible.
There may come a time soon where that inner voice of the Spirit will be your ONLY guide.
There may come a time soon where that inner voice of the Spirit will be your ONLY guide.
If you listen, you cannot go wrong.
Comments are welcome.
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