Monday, September 30, 2013


The Lord has restored His church in these Last Days like the Apostle Paul had said:
19 Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God;

20 And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone.
As he said in verse 19 above, people who join the ancient church or regular members, are called saints.  They are not strangers but part of the Lord’s family. 

He also tells them that the true church is built upon the foundation of prophets and apostles.
It is the same today.  The members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are saints.  This name distinguishes between the former day saints and the latter day saints. 
The Lord, at the beginning, named this restored church Himself.  The Prophet Joseph Smith did not name it himself but at the command of the Lord.
Worldwide General Conferences of the Church.
A Worldwide broadcast of Conference for 2013 is OCTOBER 5 and 6.
To watch this from any place in the world, go to 
This website will keep you informed of conferences and meetings from the General Authorities of the Lord’s church.
We have had a succession of modern day prophets from the Prophet Joseph Smith to now. 
Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdrey received their apostleship’s under the hands of resurrected beings, namely, the Apostles Peter, James and John, who received their commission from the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.
All saints that hold the Melchizedek Priesthood can present their Line of Authority when needed, tracing it back of the Lord Himself.
The prophet today is President Thomas Spencer Monson. 
He has two counselors who are each apostles, and they form the First Presidency of the Church. 
There are twelve more apostles in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
There are Eight Quorums of the Seventy at this time. 
All are called General Authorities of the Church.
Every six months, April and October, a worldwide conference is held so that all the members throughout the world can hear inspired talks from those chosen to talk.
The members hear their testimony, and their faith and desires for righteousness.  
They transact business of the church and they ask the members for their sustaining of the officers whom the Lord has appointed to administer the affairs of His Kingdom.
The saints receive from those appointed to serve the Lord’s Church, council, inspiration and revelation needed in both temporal and spiritual areas.
These conferences are more than just religious conventions but are a series of meetings where the mind and will of the Lord is conveyed to the saints by the mouth of His servants.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is not a democracy, but the Kingdom of God on earth.
Instruction, direction and revelation come from the Lord Jesus Christ who is our King, who is the head of this church, and it comes through His servants to the saints of the Kingdom.
To hear what the Lord is telling us in this day, go to the website above.

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