Monday, October 14, 2013


SEVENTH COMMANDMENTThou shalt not commit adultery.

We, men and women, are children of God the Father.  He is our Heavenly Father and He loves us. 

Being His children, we have a spark of divinity within us that most do not understand. 

As a child of God, man was given powers not granted to any other form of life. Being of the divine race, we have many of the privileges and powers related to divinity.

Spirit World knowledge.

When we lived in the spirit world before coming to the earth, we had much knowledge we had obtained during our existence there. 

We knew that we had spirit bodies.  We knew that our Heavenly Father and Mother had physical, but Immortal bodies and to eventually grow and be like them, we had to come to earth and obtain a physical body for our spirit.

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is what gives us Immortality after this life.  Immortality is a free gift to all, good or evil.

It does not give us Eternal life or Exaltation, we have to earn that. 

We earn it by accepting the Atonement of Jesus Christ by repenting of our sins and keeping the commandments.

We all knew our Heavenly Father’s Plan of Salvation and we were part of the two thirds of His children who accepted it and did not rebel.

Now you would say, I don't remember any plan or even the spirit worldThat is the way it is suppose to be, while in this test on earthWe are here to make our choices as we feel it inside of us.

Satan and one third of Heavenly Fathers’ children, our brothers and sisters, followed Satan. 

They were cast out of Heaven to the earth and are being used to tempt and test us while we are here.

They never received a mortal body and never will

They will not be forgiven for their rebellion because they committed sin with full knowledge in the presence of God

They  are the sons of perdition.

We have always had our Free Agency to choose between right and wrong there and we also have it here on earth.

Use of these physical bodies

As we each come down here and obtain a body, we grow and fall in love, get married. 

We have been given, for the first time in our existence, the power to procreate

Man must reproduce himself and in doing so, we make physical bodies for our brothers and sisters waiting in the spirit world to come here to earth for their tests

This is the final testing ground to see how we treat and take care of these bodies and how we choose in all other things.

Eternal Marriage and the procreative process.

Our Heavenly father instituted Eternal Marriage with Adam and Eve

They were still in the Garden of Eden and were both in an immortal state

When Eve was given to Adam, that was the first Eternal marriage, and they were commanded to multiply and replenish the earth

At that time they were innocent in mind. 

They were also told not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil but He knew that they would and thereby discovering the procreative process as husband and wife.

Marriage that is “until death do us part” or “as long as we both shall live,” are for this life only

In the eternities, after they are dead, they are single again; individual spirits, like they were before coming here.

Adam and Eve were Eternally married.  Intimate relations between persons who are married to each other is sanctioned by the Lord. 

The Lord regards sexual sins next to murder

Murder is when you take innocent life and stop a person’s life test too early.  War is different and is another subject by itself. 

Sexual sins outside of marriage is the misuse of procreative powers, which is a divine gift to man and shows the Lord that you are not worthy to have that power in the next life. 

Sex between two people who are not married is considered fornication

Sex between two married persons who are not each other's spouse is Adultery for each

If one is married and one is not, the one married is committing Adultery and the other Fornication.

While in this earth test, anything is allowed

Living together unmarried, and all the diver ways of using the body will not be allowed after this life

All that was allowed for this testing period to see how each will choose. 

After this life the urge of the power of creation will be removed from those who could not handle that gift.

The bodies will be changed to facilitate that removal of that urge.

This is how we are tested to see what choices we make on our own

According to how we choose here, we will be assigned to a kingdom that we merit.  There is not just one kingdom where everyone goes. 

The power of reproduction was given also to lower forms of life to perpetuate their species by the power of instinct within each species. 

They cannot misuse it like humans do.

With man and women it is different.  They have the power of Choice

With the Free Agency and power of choice, humans can choose good or bad.  It is not just instinct with them. 

Animals cannot corrupt their reproductive powers but man can.

This question came to the very heart of the purpose for which man was sent here, to try him, and prove whether he was worthy to come back into God’s presence

With man's right of choice, he would be at liberty to select his own course.

He could do that which would be ennobling, or he could do that which would debase.

Laws were the solution, so Heavenly Father could deal with an intelligent child who had the right to choose while being tested on earth.

Children born to man and woman under divinely appointed marriage which is Eternal Marriage, are to remain as their children forever.

Families would continue as a family unit even into eternity. Children can grow up here and enter Eternal marriage on their own and still be children of their parents. 

The relationships of home established in earth life would last forever.

There is only one church on the earth with the Priesthood Authority to perform marriages for Time (earth life) and for Eternity (marriage after this life). 

That church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

The only church on earth with Temples for those higher ordinances designated by the God of Heaven.

Keep it Sacred.

For more information go to

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