Tuesday, August 20, 2013


What is the Book of Mormon?

Most of the Christian world wonders, why is the Book of Mormon here?  What good is it? 

We have a Bible and that is all we need.  After Jesus Christ was crucified and the Apostles were killed, there is not a need for more scriptures because we have all we need.

The Foreknowledge of God.

God knows the end from the beginning. 

He knows each of us and the types of decisions we will make, but He will not destroy our Free Agency.

We can remain good or we can become evil.  It is up to us.

He knows each of us so good that He knows pretty much what each of us will do under certain circumstances, but we need to be proven. 

He knows what experiences each of us needs and presents or allows those experiences to come to us so we can use our Free Agency to choose.

Knowing the end from the beginning He prepares for any problems.

Directions to His Prophets.

About 600 years before the birth of His son, Jesus Christ, He inspired the Prophet Lehi, who was at that time, along with the Prophet Jeremiah, calling the people of Jerusalem to repentance because of their wicked ways.

The people of Jerusalem rebelled against them

Jeremiah went to Egypt with some of the Jews to preserve their lives. 

The Prophet Lehi was warned by the Lord in a dream to take his family and only the necessities they needed and leave into the wilderness and was told that they would be led to a promised land which would become the Americas.

They took a set of Brass Plates which contained a record of the Jews from Adam down to the Reign of Zedekiah, King of Judah, (597 – 586 B.C.).

The Lord inspired the Prophet Lehi’s son, who became the Prophet Nephi, to begin a record of the history and ministries of his people and to pass the record down from prophet to prophet(Keep in mind, it was 600 B.C. that Nephi started this record.)

This record covered 1000 years, from 600 B.C., down to the year 421 A.D., and the last Prophet Moroni, (who was the son of the Prophet Mormon, who compiled all the records by inspiration of the Lord, into one set of gold plates, and gave them to his son Moroni), finished the plates of gold.

The Lord told Moroni to bury them and that the record would be brought forth in the Last Days, in the Dispensation of the Fullness of Times to a prophet He would raise up to Restore His church and Gospel again on the earth before His Second Coming.

The Bible in the Last Days.

Because of the foreknowledge of the Lord about the condition of the Bible, which would go forth from the Jews to the world in the last days, He had prepared this record, called the Book of Mormon. 

It was to strengthen the Bible and not replace it but to be Another Witness of Jesus Christ and to restore many parts that would have been changed or were missing because of wicked men and because of the many translations by uninspired men, which made it possible for people to not understand it.

The Lord gave the Prophet Nephi a Vision and instructed him to write the vision in the record he was making and why the Book of Mormon was to come forth in this day.

Read the following chapters.

See the whole chapter:  1 Nephi 13.

Then, see the blessings and cursing’s that would fall upon the Gentiles in this chapter:  1 Nephi 14.

The Lord loves His children and wants them to come back to Him and bringing forth the Book of Mormon in the Last Days would help them if they would listen.

For more information, go to www.lds.org

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