Part of the Plan of Salvation for God’s Children.
We all lived in the Spirit World. At a certain point in our existence as spirits, we were sent to earth to gain a physical body for our spirits.
To progress in the eternities, a physical body is necessary and desired, counter to what some religions say.
It was so important that Jesus Christ came back and resurrected His body before going to God the Father.
Immortality, what is it?
Adam and Eve and All forms of life were created in immortality. Death had not come to the world until after the fall.
When Adam and Eve fell, they became the first mortal flesh on the earth and the consequent death that came from this status of existence passed on to All forms of life.
Original immortality was designed to only be temporary up until the Fall.
This immortality stopped when mortality started.
The Final Immortality is to live forever in the resurrected state with body and spirit inseparably connected, never to die again.
Body and Spirit in mortality constitute the Soul of man.
When they are separated at death, the body is alone and the spirit is alone. The soul, at that point, does not exist.
In the resurrection when the body and spirit come together permanently, the immortal soul is constituted again and will remain forever as a soul.
The Lord stated Himself in:
Moses 1: 39
39 For behold, this is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.
God is going to make all of His children immortal unconditionally.
This will make it possible for all of His children to stand before Him in their physical bodies at the Judgment Bar.
Eternal life is not given to man, eternal life must be earned.
Those who believe His Gospel and Obey the Gospel Plan go on to Eternal Life, the Greatest of all the Gifts of God.
Doctrine and Covenants 14: 7
7 And, if you keep my commandments and endure to the end you shall have eternal life, which gift is the greatest of all the gifts of God.
Immortality is not just for man. Every living thing will come forth in the resurrection with immortality. So, don't be cruel to your animals! :)
The Earth itself will be quickened and come forth as an Immortal Celestial Globe.
So, what is Eternal Life?
Eternal Life and Exaltation.
As it is used in the scriptures, Eternal life is the name given to the kind of life that God the Father lives.
The word Eternal is one of the formal names of Deity and has been chosen by God Himself as the particular name which identifies the kind of life that He lives.
He being God, the life He lives is God’s life and His name being Eternal, so, the kind of life He lives is eternal life.
Eternal life does not only mean the duration of a future life, immortality took care of that, but only those who will obey the fullness of the Gospel Law will inherit Eternal Life.
Doctrine and Covenants 29: 43-44
43 And thus did I, the Lord God, appoint unto man the days of his probation—that by his natural death he might be raised in immortality unto eternal life, even as many as would believe;
(The days of our Probation is this Earth Life Testing Period we are in now.)
44 And they that believe not unto eternal damnation; for they cannot be redeemed from their spiritual fall, because they repent not.
Eternal Life is the quality of life that God the Father enjoys.
Thus, those who follow and obey the Gospel become the sons of God and joint heirs with Christ and members of the Church of the Firstborn.
To obtain Eternal Life and Exaltation, it is required to be married for Time and for All Eternity, which is only performed in the Temples of God.
Those who tried and cannot find a spouse while here on earth will have the chance later IF they are obeying the fullness of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.
They will overcome all things and have the power and receive the fullness of the father.
Seek after Eternal Life.
To read the details of the resurrection of the bodies and spirits, read all of this chapter:
For more information go to
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