Saturday, November 17, 2012

What are they and do they still happen?
Miracles have always happened since man has been on the earth.  Some call it magic, but it's not.
A miracle to us is an event that is beyond the power of any presently known physical  power that we know of.
They are occurrences which deviate from the known laws of nature and which transcend our knowledge of those laws.
In other words, miracles are miracles to us, but not to God, our Heavenly FatherHe knows all the Eternal Laws of the Universe and it is just natural to Him.
An Atomic Bomb blast would be a miracle to those living before 1945 all the way back to Adam.  But to those of this day it's not a miracle because we know the science or Laws of how it was done.
Miracles in the gospel sense are Gifts of the Spirit.  They take place in the Lord's own time and in His own way to show forth His powers, or when man, by faith, prevails upon Deity to perform supernatural events.
In the literal sense, the christian world does not believe in miracles in this day.  They deny completely or even spiritualize away miracles we find in the Bible and the Book of Mormon.
The Book of Mormon says that in the last days the people will say: 
2 Nephi 28: 5-6
5 And they deny the power of God, the Holy One of Israel; and they say unto the people: Hearken unto us, and hear ye our precept; for behold there is no God today, for the Lord and the Redeemer hath done his work, and he hath given his power unto men;
6 Behold, hearken ye unto my precept; if they shall say there is a miracle wrought by the hand of the Lord, believe it not; for this day he is not a God of miracles; he hath done his work.
Well, let's see.  We know the many miracles that Jehovah or Jesus Christ, who gave the prophets authority and power to perform, for example, in the Old Testament, Moses gave the plagues to Egypt, (see Chapter 7 and 8 of Exodus) later, he parted the Red Sea, (see Chapter 14 of Exodus) Joshua and the city of Jericho (see Chapter 6 of Joshua) are just a few. 

In the New Testament, Jesus Christ himself performed at least 37 miracles, including turning water into wine, healing lepers, raising people from the dead, walking on water, restoring sight to the blind, healing a cripple, casting our demons, feeding 5000 with 7 loaves of bread and a few fishes and they ate until they were full and they gathered up baskets of food and many others. 

After His resurrection He appeared to the Apostles in a closed room.

How could Jesus Christ do this.  He is one of the Godhead and He also knows the Eternal Laws. 

Jehovah, (or Jesus Christ, as He was known after being born on earth, do not discard what I am saying because it is new to you), was the Great High Priest known in the Old Testament times of Abraham and Melchizedek.  The High Priesthood was called, "The Holy Priesthood after the Order of the Son of God." 

Melchizedek was the King of Salem, known as Jerusalem today, and was a great high priest.  

Because they did not want to repeat the name of Deity over and over when talking about the priesthood, it was Re-named Melchizedek Priesthood because Melchizedek was such a great high priest, even to Abraham. 

Today the Melchizedek priesthood is found in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Miracles are performed every day all over the world by these priesthood holdersHealing the sick, casting out evil spirits, healing the blind and deaf, and sometimes even raising the dead.  These are Sacred experiences and are not publicised.

Now, all priesthood holders are not given the same gifts of the Spirit.  

Priesthood holders are given the Authority of the Priesthood which they hold, but the Power of the Priesthood is controlled and operated only upon the principles of righteousness. 

How that holder lives and the faith he has will activate that Power accordingly.  But, it must be according to the Lord's Will

Mountains were moved back in biblical times and the Elements could be controlled again if needed, and if the Lord Willed it, by a holder of the Melchizedek PriesthoodThese are His servants and disciples today. 

Miracles do still happen in these days and the world will see much more in the future.

To learn more on miracles or priesthood, go to and search the Scriptures and the site.



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