Saturday, November 10, 2012

It is REQUIRED of US by the LORD
On Election day I was listening to a talk show doing the election coverage and one guest, when they were talking about the killing in Benghazi, Libya. 
It was said that no one knew exactly who was responsible for NOT giving the order to go in and save the Ambassador and the other men. 
Then this guest said that he would NEVER FORGIVE THE ONE RESPONSIBLE, for the REST OF HIS LIFE. 
The Lord tells us that no matter what someone does to US or to someone else we love or what ever the act is, we MUST FORGIVE THEM IN OUR HEART. 
Read this scripture and PONDER it in your heart.  This is the Lord speaking through a Prophet of God:
Doctrine and Covenants 64: 9-10
9 Wherefore, I say unto you, that ye ought to forgive one another; for he that forgiveth not his brother his trespasses standeth condemned before the Lord; for there remaineth in him the greater sin.
10 I, the Lord, will forgive whom I will forgive, but of you it is required to forgive all men.
You may say inside, what he or they did was horrible. 
How can he or they get away with doing it?  
How can everyone forgive and act like it never happened.
That is not what the Lord is talking about. 
We lived with the Lord before we came here.  We are His sons and daughters.  We were spirits then. 
He knows each one of us better than our earthly parents do.  He knows our thoughts and actions and what we really feel and believe inside. 
We have been sent to earth and given earthly physical bodies and our memory of our former life has been temporarly blocked out for this test.  
He has given us prophets and inspired scriptures to give us hints.  There are many places in the Bible and the Book of Mormon that tells us that we lived before this life here. 
He knows who we really are.
He is the only one who knows the circumstances of each of our lives and what our thoughts and feelings were before we came here and what they are now. 
He is the ONLY ONE that knows all the facts about the incident or action and can fully judge what happened and why.
He knows that if WE DO NOT FORGIVE, this will keep festering and building inside of us and we will not get on with our lives here on earth and perform the mission each of us agreed to do here. 
We are ALL here for a reason.
The Bible says He knows our thoughts and actions.  It is all being recorded WITHIN US and in Heaven. 
NO ONE will get away with anything.  Nothing can be hid  from God.  Don't think that you can lie one little bit to Him.  He knows what you are thinking before you say it.
We will be punished by the Law here on earth or there in Heaven.  Justice cannot be cheated. 
He knows who will be punished and who will receive Mercy depending on each person's circumstances. 
If WE Repented of our sins, the Atonement that the Lord performed for each of us WILL TAKE EFFECT IN OUR LIVES.
Remember, this life is a TEST for everyone.   
The only things that WILL NOT come up at Judgement Day are the things you have HONESTLY REPENTED OF.
Real repentancemeaning, repenting of a sin and NOT doing it again.  Some of us fall back and do the same sin again. 
You must try again, meaning, you DID NOT TRULY REPENT THE FIRST TIME. 
Some of us have to keep trying, but the sins that will not come up at Judgement, are the ones we OVERCAME and did not repeat it.
Books could be written with many details on what can be done.  The best one is called The Miricle of Forgiveness by a prophet, President Spencer W. Kimball.
For further information, search the scriptures at or pick up this book from or where many books from Living Prophets are available worldwide. 

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