Feeling Down, Depressed Afraid of the Future?
Keep your head up, Have Faith.
This is definitely NOT the time to have fear.
If you are prepared you shall not fear.
Heavenly Father's plan of salvation is for all people all over the world.
The Lord's will and hand are definitely over all nations.
Freedom is NOT going to be won without a struggle.
Freedom and Peace will not be easy to keep but WE, all of us in all nations, standing together will do it and it will be worth it for us and our children.
The Lord is going to purge all nations and He has said the wicked will destroy the wicked.
The pit they dig for the righteous will be for themselves instead.
Experience in adversity during their lifetime is part of this life test. The Lord told us this:
MOSIAH 23: 21-22
21 Nevertheless the Lord seeth fit to chasten his people; yea, he trieth their patience and their faith.
22 Nevertheless—whosoever putteth his trust in him the same shall be lifted up at the last day.....
Trials, disappointments, sadness, sickness, and heartache are a part of life.
The Lord is always there and will help us and have it become our way to progress towards the growth of our spiritual self and be refined like gold.
We are going to go through the Refiners Fire and our sins will be purged out of us and we will become more pure than we ever thought we would be.
We will find out who we really are and why we are here and what out mission and purpose on this earth really is.
Each person's success and happiness, both now and in the eternities, depend largely on his or her responses to the difficulties of life.
Adversity comes from all types of sources. It may have come because of a persons pride or disobedience.
These trials can be avoided through righteous living.
Other trials are just a part of life even when people are living righteously.
Suffering may also come through a loving Heavenly Father as a tutoring experience.
When some people face adversity, they complain.
They ask questions like:
“Why does this have to happen to me?
Why do I have to suffer this now?
What have I done to deserve this?”
But questions like this can control your thoughts and keep yourself from learning the Experiences the Lord wants you to receive.
And IF you block the experience you were suppose to receive, He may give you OTHER experiences again, until you learn what He wanted you to learn. So, make it easy on yourself and learn the FIRST TIME.
Instead, ask questions like:
“What am I to do?"
"What am I to learn from this experience?"
"What am I to change?"
"Whom am I to help?"
"How can I remember my blessings in times of trial?”
Different responses are required for different problems.
One response should always be there, trust in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
Heavenly Father is in control of the destiny of all His children in this world.
If you live righteously and you die, you are saved so it does not matter. You will receive your reward.
Don't be afraid of death. You lived before and you will only be going back home.
Here is how to look at LIFE and DEATH.
You were a spirit before coming to this earth to gain a body of flesh and bones and to be tested by Heavenly Father. You were full grown before coming here.
Your parents made a body for you. That is why there is GENDER in Heaven and on Earth. You entered your body and as the body grew you learned the ways of life and choosing right from wrong.
Heavenly Father gave each of us a purpose, a mission to accomplish while here.
It will NOT be easy for some of us.
When you die, it is like this:
Think of a glove as the body you came into. The BODY becomes inactive when YOU leave it.
YOU DO NOT DIE, EVER. You existed before coming here and you will CONTINUE to exist, AS THE PERSON YOU WAS, only with more experience.
All that your learned HERE you will take with you, back Home in the spirit world.
Your body lies in the grave until the RESURRECTION and then you will get it back IN PERFECT SHAPE.
This is what the ATONEMENT of JESUS CHRIST did for everyone from ADAM to whoever the Last person on earth is.
That is called Immortality, but not eternal life.
Each of us has to EARN Eternal Life.
The United States of America was created by the inspiration of God to the Founders of this nation.
76 And again I say unto you, those who have been scattered by their enemies, it is my will that they should continue to importune for redress, and redemption, by the hands of those who are placed as rulers and are in authority over you—
77 According to the laws and constitution of the people, which I have suffered to be established, and should be maintained for the rights and protection of all flesh, according to just and holy principles;
The U.S. Constitution was created to give us that FREEDOM, plus to SHOW an . EXAMPLE TO THE WORLD
BUT, another reason was to have a FREE country so He could RESTORE his Church and Kingdom and to RESTORE THE FULLNESS OF HIS GOSPEL, because much was lost in the translations of the Bible over the centuries and people have gone astray from the truth.
This had to happen to prepare, in these LAST DAYS, a people that He could call HIS and to give ALL PEOPLE a chance to feel FREEDOM and LIBERTY and HAPPINESS.
So, STAND WITH AMERICA in what she does and we will win against EVIL. We were ALL together fighting Satan in the Pre-Existence and He LOST there and he was cast out to the earth with One Third of our Brothers and Sisters who followed him in that War, and they are being used to TEST US to see if we will CHOOSE THE RIGHT with them not really realizing it.
The Fight continues here for the Souls of All Men.
Your memory of that former home has been blocked off so you can go through this Test on the earth and He will be able to see the TYPES OF CHOICES YOU WILL MAKE and what kind of Responsibility or Power you can be trusted with when you get HOME.
This life is brief. Eternity is forever. Do you want happiness for a little while and misery for eternity or the other way around. I choose the other way around.
Think about that.
The Prophet Alma taught, “Whosoever shall put their trust in God shall be supported in their trials, and their troubles, and their afflictions, and shall be lifted up at the last day” (Alma 36:3).
Prepare for the trials ahead and endure to the end. Your reward is waiting.
Now is the time for your Faith and Prayers and for you to follow the Teachings of Jesus Christ in the Scriptures. Don't Just Read Them, STUDY THEM, then MEDITATE on them and Let the Holy Spirit and Comfort you.
The Lord told us to Prepare for every needful thing. Food storage to keep us alive physically and Spiritual things to keep our spirit and Faith healthy too.
Go to www.lds.org and click on Scriptures and do your own research.
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