Wednesday, May 1, 2013


(This article was inspired by a talk given in an LDS General Conference by President Boyd K. Packer, President of the Council of the Twelve Apostles.) 

The Lord is very kind and merciful when you repent of your sins.
President Packer was talking about the young people today.  With so many things pulling them in all directions, they hardly know which way to go.
With pornography so rampant on the internet, all of us need to be careful where we look.  If something unholy comes to us, delete it and get out immediately. 
Thoughts are quickly absorbed into the mind.  Get out.  If for some reason, it stays with you, see your priesthood leader, usually the Bishop.
Unnatural thoughts, like same sex attraction are NOT natural.  You are a son or daughter of God.  This was not given to you at birth as they try to tell you.  It is acquired and can be gotten rid of. 
There is Gender in Heaven.  God created man and woman for a specific reason; otherwise He would have created all men or all women.  He didn’t.
When the Prophet and the Apostles made up the Family Proclamation, they were inspired by the Lord to tell all of us about why we were here and who we are and our duties and responsibilities while here. 
That has not changed and will not change.
When you do something wrong or commit a sin, you cannot say that the Devil made me do it because all he can do is entice you and tempt you. 
You have the power inside, from God, to reject his temptations. 
You have had Free Agency before you came to earth, while you are here and you will have it after this earth test and throughout eternity. 
He made it this way so when you come before Him at Judgement, you cannot say, "I had no choice, I had to do it".  Sorry, it is on your own head and everything is RECORDED, Except what you REPENT OF.
The Lord said:
42 Behold, he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more.
43 By this ye may know if a man repenteth of his sins—behold, he will confess them and forsake them.
You have the power to overcome. 
Remember, you can use your Free Agency to choose which way to go, to choose from right and wrong, but you DO NOT have the choice to choose the Consequences of your choices. 
Those are Eternal Laws and are already set in place.
The only way to cleanse yourself from sin is through Repentance.
All sins can and will be forgiven through repentance except the shedding of innocent blood and the sin against or rejecting the Holy Ghost. 
ALL OTHERS can be forgiven.  So, don’t feel lost or that it is hopeless, it’s not.
Pro-creation or sexual intimacy is a privilege given to us here on earth for this test for a couple of reasons.
1.    It is given to us to see if we will abuse it.  We are only supposed to use in in the bonds of wedlock.  If we use it outside of marriage, it is a sin.  Sexual sins are next to murder in the sight of the Lord.  You can reject that council by the Lord, but you will eventually regret it at Judgement and for all Eternity. 
2.   We come here as individual spirits to get a body and to learn how to use it.  We learn to become parents.  We bring others of our brothers and sisters still in the spirit world here for their tests.  We make the bodies their spirits will inhabit.  Our sons and daughters will learn to be parents themselves.  If we mess them up and not teach them the right when they are young, we will ALSO regret it at Judgement.  REMEMBER, they are GOD'S Children before they were entrusted to us to bring up here.
This power is only for this life, unless, we are married in the Temple of the Lord, which marriage DOES NOT end at death as all the other marriages that are performed do. 
Once married in the Temple and you endure to the end, you will have this blessing of pro-creation permanently. 
All others will become single beings again, as they were before coming here and their bodies will be changed so that intimate relations cannot happen, nor the urge to do so. 
REMEMBER, anything is allowed while on Earth because this is our FINAL TEST.
Same sex attraction can be changed and and must be, because this same sex attraction cannot bring our spirit brothers and sisters here for their test.
To learn more about cleansing the Inner spirit from an Apostle Boyd K. Packer. 
President Packer talks about many other problems and sins that can be cleansed away if you listen to his council.
Remember, these are the Last Days and the Satan knows he does not have much time left to draw as many of Heavenly Father’s children down with him, do he will do all he can to hurt the Father as much as he can.  He knows he is going to loose, but he will keep trying.
Pray for the Spirit to witness to you of the truthfulness of the message.
For further study of the Restored Gospel, go to

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