Wednesday, May 1, 2013


(This article was inspired by a talk by Apostle Boyd K. Packer, President of the Council of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.)

Many in the world believe that the only authority you need is to go to a Seminary or other religious school and get a certificate and suddenly you are a minister or pastor. 
That is NOT recognized by God.  That is called Priest craft and He will deal with that later.
That is not authority from God.  That is making it legal to act as a minister on earth, to start a church or preach.
Real authority comes directly from God through another Authorized Servant in Line of Authority directly back to God. 
No schooling is required. 
Only being called by God through those of His authorized Priesthood Holders that have the MELCHIZEDEK PRIESTHOOD and have been place in positions of Authority in His Church and Kingdom can Extend that call.
In the year 2000, the Prophets and Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints made a recording containing their witnesses of Jesus Christ to the entire World
Click HERE to go to the Special Witness of the Prophet and the Apostles that are living RIGHT NOW, TODAY, sent to guide us in the world today through His RESTORED CHURCH

When you do so, you will hear Apostle Boyd K. Packer's own Testimony among the others.
As the Prophets and Apostles of old, these Prophets and Apostles NOW, HERE, in modern times hold the SAME Authority and Power as the Ancient Prophets and Apostles did.
There must be Priesthood Authority on the earth, to organize and operate the Kingdom of God.  Speaking of the church: 
19 Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God;
20 And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;
They bear the same Responsibility, as the prophets of old, to testify of the Divine Son ship of the Lord Jesus Christ that He is the First Born in the Spirit and the Only Begotten in the Flesh. 
All Apostles are upheld by the Lord as Prophets, Seers and Revelators. 
There are fifteen Apostles in the High Councils of the church.  They are in the Council of the Twelve Apostles to gain experience, to be tutored and trained in their duties. 
They are sustained by the membership of the church every six months at General Conference, which is held World Wide in April and October of each year.
They are organized this way, under the direction of the Lord Jesus Christ, whose church this is.
The most Senior Apostle is chosen, AFTER confirmation by prayer and supplication of all of the Apostles in the upper chambers of the Temple, to become the next Prophet, Seer and Revelator, holding ACTIVE, ALL of the Keys of the Kingdom. 
These KEYS are not metal earthly keys, but Spiritual Authoritative Keys to Act with Authority from Him in directing and building His Church in these Last Days.
All of the Apostles have ALL of the keys, but they are dormant until the Prophet activates a key or keys to authorize that Apostle to use it or them in performing his office, mission or function under his direction. 
The Prophet of the Church is the only one who can receive Revelation from the Lord Jesus Christ for the WHOLE CHURCH
The Lord has designated the Prophet of THIS church to be the Prophet of the WHOLE WORLD, but the world, at this time, is NOT LISTENING to him and will later reap the consequences.

He is like a watchman on a tower who will warn us of dangers to come.
For further investigation or studies on the church, go to

Please pass this blog on to everyone you know.

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