Thursday, May 2, 2013


(This article is inspired by a talk at the October 2002 General Conference by an Apostle, Elder Boyd K. Packer of the Council of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.)

How many time have you asked yourself, what is my purpose here?  What is my life going to be like?
I had those same questions inside of me.
I joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints when I was twenty seven while serving in the Army in Hawaii.
After a while in the church, I had a period of three nights that I had some troubling dreams.  So I decided to see my Bishop and find out what he thought of those dreams. 
He said he didn’t know and that he could not tell me what dreams mean, but a Patriarch could, and it was about time that I should get my Patriarchal blessing and I should ask him then about the dreams.
So he gave me the needed Recommend and I made an appointment with the Patriarch. 
It was 7PM and we were the only ones in the church. 
We went to the conference room and we sat and talked for a few minutes. 
Then I asked him if he could tell me about the dreams I had three days in a row.
He listened and then told me that I would have a great calling coming to me in this church and that I would be protected against all evil when I receive this calling. 
We talked a little more and then he stood up and laid his hands on my head and gave me the blessing.
In my blessing he told me of my lineage, meaning what tribe of Israel I descended from or was adopted into.  The majority of this church is descended from Ephraim and not the Jews. 
He also told me things that have already happened in my life that I did not tell him of and others that I did not know had happened because of the Lord's will,  and how I was protected by the Lord, and he told me of what blessings would come to me.  He again said that I had a great calling coming, if I remained righteous. 
That was the key. 
Part way through the blessing he stopped, keeping his hands on my head.  It seemed a long time to me, like two or three minutes, and then he began again and completed it.
I then asked him why he stopped.  He said that the blessing was almost identical to his blessing.
He said to read the blessing often and the blessings given to Abraham and pray and meditate on it. 
Patriarchal blessings are given by the Lord Himself through His ordained Patriarchs to guide His children in life so they will accomplish the missions they come for and gain the experiences He knew they needed.
He said that all things in your blessing will come true in this life or the next. 
Have faith and believe. 
Use it as your Guide in Life.
To Watch, Hear or Read what Elder Boyd K. Packer has said on Patriarchal Blessings and the Duties of a Patriarch, click above.
Further research can be done at 

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