Today, many men and women ignore
marriage. They feel that they can have
the same experiences that married couples except they are not tied down and
stuck in Responsibility.
They want to have everything without paying
the price. Little do they know they will
pay the price in the end, and many times, even before.
They do not hold marriage as important. Marriage is something that takes away their
freedom to choose what they want to do and when they want to do it.
Yes, they have their Freedom to Choose. They had it in the Pre-existence and they still
have it here on earth.
What they fail to realize is that we are all
being tested to see if we choose the right.
Good and evil are placed before us and
depending on which way we choose, every choice made has consequences attached
to them.
This is Eternal Law.
We cannot choose the consequences of our
action. They are automatic.
Every human being must understand that birth
here on earth was NOT the
beginning of our existence. We grew up
as a spirit in the pre-existence with our Heavenly Parents. We knew them and knew them well.
Yes, there is Gender in Heaven.
We knew that to continue to progress like our
Heavenly Father and Mother that we had to come to earth to gain a physical body
and to be tested on how we would use that body and learn to control it.
We would also be tested on what choices we
would make while using our Free Agency here on earth.
This is our final test to prove to ourselves and to Heavenly Father if we can progress on in
Eternity and what kind of responsibilities
and power He can trust us with.
All of mankind are actual spirit brothers and sisters. We lived there as individuals.
We all were presented and we all understood
the Plan of Salvation there that we would come here to earth, meet someone
and fall in love, be married and have children.
is all part of the Plan of Salvation by God the Father.
These children are our spirit brothers and
sisters, waiting their turn to come for their test and to receive a body of
flesh and bone that we would make for them.
We are part of Heavenly Father’s Eternal
Family. He wants us to have our own Eternal Families which will be sealed to
The Normal marriages on earth of every
church, except one, are only
until “Death do us part”, or “As long as we both shall live.”
Why? Because those
ministers or clergy know that they DO
NOT have the authority to marry
anyone longer than earth life.
And some believe that NO ONE
is married in Heaven. That is wrong.
They do not understand the scripture:
30 For in
the resurrection they neither
marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.
given by the Lord to the Prophet Joseph
Smith also makes this clear recorded 12 July 1843:
Therefore, when they are out of the world they neither marry nor are
given in marriage; but are appointed angels in heaven, which angels are
ministering servants, to minister for those who are worthy of a far more,
and an exceeding, and an eternal weight of glory.
(Meaning those who were Eternally Married
while on Earth)
This means that no one is given in
marriage and that NO ONE is
married in Heaven, in other words, no
ceremony is done there.
The Eternal
Marriage Ceremony has to already
have been done when they get there.
Those who have died and did not get a chance to hear the Restored Gospel while
living on earth, or it was not available while they were
here, have the chance to accept it there, ON THEIR OWN.
accepted there,
their baptism and other ordinances
are performed for them by Proxy,
here on earth by those with Melchizedek Priesthood authority.
PROXY is where someone stands in someone else’s place
for them, like when the Lord Jesus Christ suffered for our sins in the
Garden and on the Cross, that is by PROXY for us.
But, those SINS are NOT
automatically gone.
That is where our FREE AGENCY to CHOOSE comes in.
They still
have the Free Agency to accept
the work done for them here.
When the ordinances are done for them, THEY make their OWN DECISIONS, NOT their Relatives still living on earth.
They can THINK they can, BUT THEY CAN'T - PERIOD.
is only done in the TEMPLES
of The Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints.
I have to be BOLD and PLAIN in this explanation.
Eternal Marriage is done by those holding the
Melchizedek Priesthood Authority called SEALERS,
with special authority from
the Lord’s Prophet on Earth.
Once this Sealing is done, their marriage is
recognized by the Lord after this life and their children can be sealed to them
in the marriage covenant.
Then they can progress on throughout Eternity as a Family.
Now, the Normal
marriage ceremony is different.
Once someone dies in the normal
type of marriage, the marriage is over.
The one who died is back in the spirit world,
as a SINGLE PERSON again.
The marriage they had on earth is not in force in Heaven.
DO NOT THINK that IF you believe it WILL BE, IT WILL BE.
When the second
partner dies, that person is a separate, single individual there. Their children
are separate individuals also.
Eternal Laws are in force in Heaven. You will not be allowed to break them as you do on earth. NO HANKY-PANKY. PERIOD.
If people are living together, out of wedlock
and have children, they and their children are not a family in the hereafter.
They are ALL
single individuals, and not recognized by the Lord as a Family.
here on Earth because this is a Testing Period.
When this testing period is over and we are
all back in Heaven, things will be different.
God Himself decreed that the physical expression
of love, that union of male and female which has power to generate life, is authorized only in marriage
here on Earth and at death, it
Then only
in Eternal Marriage performed in a Temple of God will it continue for Eternity.
The urge
or ability to continue to
live together and have sexual relations in Heaven outside of Eternal Marriage Covenant will not be possible because of changes made in the resurrected body.
Knowing this is one of the BIG advantages of having the Restored Gospel and Living Prophets who receive these Revelations from the Lord Jesus Christ, who's church this is.
Those who do not believe will reap the consequences later.
If you are living together, unmarried, with or
without children, I urge you to reconsider REGULAR marriage IF you only want your family relationship to last JUST during THIS LIFE.
BUT IF you want it to continue throughout Eternity, consider working for Eternal Marriage.
marriage, you are only hurting yourself and your children and it is sexual sin.
Remember, the Lord considers sexual sins next to murder in the Eternal Laws.
For more information on marriage from an
Apostle, go to Elder Boyd K. Packer on Marriage.
For further studies,
go to pass this blog on to everyone you know.
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