Faith – Repentance – Baptism – Receive Holy Ghost
Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
If we believe in God the Father and in His son Jesus Christ, we must believe the words He has given us through His prophets down through the ages.
In modern revelation to the Prophet Joseph Smith and others, the Lord Jesus Christ has talked about the Scriptures:
35 For It is My Voice which speaketh them unto you; for they are given by My Spirit unto you, and by My power you can read them one to another; and save it were by My power you could not have them;
36 Wherefore, you can testify that you have heard my voice, and know my words.
In the scriptures, the Lord has made promises to us. We must have Faith that he will do what He said for the Lord cannot lie.
1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
In the Book of Mormon the Prophet Moroni said:
ETHER 12: 6
6 And now, I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith.
We have come to this earth for a test. The Lord wants to see how we will use our Free Agency in choosing between right and wrong.
Repentance is a vital process in which we must recognize the things we have chosen wrong and feel sorrow for them. We must make a decision to repent of the wrong and decide to right from then on.
This is what we are here for, to learn and become better. We will need to continually repent as we go through life and try not to repeat those things we repented of. If we do, we have not really repented of it, but the Lord wants us to keep trying. We must do all we can do, then His Grace will take care of the rest.
That is why Death Bed Repentance is not really repentance. You must have time here on earth to prove you have repented.
If you are forgiven, it is by His Grace.
Baptism by Immersion for the Remission of Sin.
Two things about this. One, you have to be baptized by one having Authority.
The Priesthood holder must be a Priest in the Aaronic Priesthood or a holder of the higher Melchizedek Priesthood.
These priesthoods were Restored to the earth in 1829. The Aaronic Priesthood was Restored by John the Baptist May 15, 1829 and the Melchizedek Priesthood was Restored by the Apostles Peter, James and John in May or June 1829.
The priesthood had to be Restored to the earth in the right order. Aaronic or the lower priesthood, then Melchizedek or Higher priesthood last. The true priesthood had to be Restored to the earth in order to have the true, authorized power and authority of God to Restore His true church and kingdom on the earth again.
Restored means: it was here at one time and has been brought back or Restored. His church was established when He was here on earth during His three year ministry. After His death and resurrection and the killing of His Apostles the priesthood was taken from the earth and we had the Dark Ages, up until 1829 for the priesthood and April 6, 1830 for His church being Restored again.
That means, the Priesthood Power and Authority was not on the earth at that time; otherwise it would not have been Restored.
Baptism by immersion is Necessary. The Lord Himself was baptized that way by John the Baptist showing us the way. Sprinkling is wrong. It has to be done this way showing that you take upon yourself to follow Him.
Going completely under water symbolizes His BURIAL. Coming out of the water symbolizes His RESURRECTION from the Dead.
This is a requirement.
Gift of the Holy Ghost by the Laying on of the Hands.
The baptism is not complete unless you receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost.
This is the second part of a Baptism. Otherwise, it is like baptizing a bag of rocks. It does nothing.
The Gift of the Holy Ghost is of most importance to the individual.
The Holy Ghost can come to anyone and testify or witness of certain things when it is needed, then it leaves again. It does Not stay with you.
The Gift of the Holy Ghost is given after being baptized by one holding the true priesthood authority that has been Restored to the earth in these Last Days.
The Holy Ghost then, will remain with you at all times to guide you in your decisions in life and to protect you, only if you remain righteous.
If you are un-righteous it will leave you. When you repent sufficiently, the Holy Ghost will return and be with you.
In these Last Days the Holy Ghost will be your most valuable asset.
Listen to it. Most of the time it will talk to you in a Still Small Voice from within.
Learn to recognize it and obey it immediately.
There will come a time that this is all you will have available for your guidance and safety.
Keep this in your mind and remember it.
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