Thursday, July 18, 2013


The Eighth Article of Faith:

We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.

We believe in the Bible as strong as or even stronger than any other faith but we excel in the belief of its literalness. 

The only reservation the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has with the Bible, and we are not along because Biblical scholars generally admit, there are translation and transcription errors, so we are cautious. 

The church believes in original records to be the word of God unto man and as far as they are translated correctly and are regarded equally authentic.  

This is why we read the Bible reverently and prayerfully while seeking the light and guidance of the Spirit so we can tell the errors and learn.

We know that the Bible’s Old and New Testament is composed of special writings of many authors and separated from each other in time but from the harmony that exists we can see strong evidence of their authenticity coming forth.


The Old Testament had a couple of names before the time of Christ.  It was called the Pentateuch, or the five books of Moses and it was also called The Law.  Another name for it was The Prophets.

Eventually when all were put together, it became the Old Testament.  Jesus Christ and the Apostles designated them as “the scriptures.” (John 5: 39 and Acts 17:11)

The people in the time of Jesus Christ sometimes called them the Jewish Canon of Scripture.  The Old Testament grew with successive writings of authorized servants and scribes through the years from Moses to Malachi, who was the last prophet recorded there as we have it now.

In summary of the Old Testament, it contains the Books of the Law (5), Historical Books (12), Poetical books (5), and Books of the Prophets (17), major and minor.


The New Testament comprises of 27 books.

HISTORICAL:  (5) books including the Four Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles.  The ministry of the Savior, Jesus Christ is recorded here.

DIDACTIC:  (21) books like the Epistles of Paul which are letters from the Romans to Jude.

PROPHETIC:  (1) The Revelation of John also known as the Apocalypse.


Since the beginning of the Thirteenth Century many brave people tried to bring the Bible to the masses so they could read it for themselves, mostly in English. 

It started with Wycliffe in 1380, Tyndale about 1525, who in 1535 published the First English bible.  Matthew’s bible in 1537, Taverner’s Bible 1539, Cranmer’s Great Bible in the same year. 

In 1560 the famous Geneva Bible appeared.  1568 the Bishops’ Bible.  In 1611 the Authorized English Version or King James translation came into being, suspending all earlier versions and which Protestants use today.

The King James Version is considered the most correct of the translations and this is why the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints uses it.


All along the Lord has been preparing the Earth for the Restoration of the Fullness of the Gospel because he knew that many plain and important things would be lost over the centuries.

He inspired the above men to bring the Bible to the masses.  They did that.

Now, in 1820 He restored a prophet to the Earth to establish His earthly kingdom again on the earth in preparation of His Second Coming.

As with the prophets of old, they were chosen to come to the earth at the chosen time and preach His Gospel.  Another was chosen, like the boy Samuel, to further the work. 

In 1820 a 14 year old boy was inspired to go to the woods to pray, to know which church to join.  God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ appeared to him and called him to be the instrument in His hands to restore the Gospel in its fullness and Restore His Church and Kingdom on the earth, never to crumble again.

His name was Joseph Smith.  Common does not mean unimportant.  Ancient prophets had common names in their day.  He was addressed by God the Father and pointing to the other said, “Joseph, this is my beloved Son, Hear Him.” (Joseph Smith – History 1: 17)

Joseph Smith only had 3 year of schooling, but he was given the means to translate it by the Lord.

He was told by Jesus Christ Himself, not to join any of the churches because they did not have the fullness of the Gospel.  He told Joseph that he would be the instrument in His hands to set up the Latter Day Kingdom and restore that which was lost over the centuries.

He had inspired men and prepared the earth for this event.  The world would change and New Scriptures were to be brought forth which would go side by side with the Bible and restore that which was lost. 

This book was buried by the last prophet on this continent, whose ancestors came from Jerusalem to begin again and to record their journey and experiences for a thousand year period and would come forth in the Latter Day to restore the truth.

The son of the Prophet Mormon who compiled the one thousand years of history was named the Prophet Moroni.  Moroni himself gave the gold plates containing the Book of Mormon to the Prophet Joseph Smith, and the rest is history (as they say). 

The book was named after Mormon to honor him, we do Not worship him.

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