Thursday, July 18, 2013


Commandment to Preach the Gospel to Every Creature.

The Lord Jesus Christ came to earth to teach His gospel and call twelve Apostles to His service.  He taught them His gospel and how to spread the “Good News” which is the meaning of the Gospel. 

He set up His ancient church and instructed His Apostles to continue spreading the word and building the kingdom of God.

MARK 16: 15

15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

After the Apostles were killed, along with many of the converts, His church stopped growing and it seemed like it went into the wilderness. 

This is when the Dark Ages came into existence.  Many times His gospel, the Bible, has been translated and re-translated over the centuries. 

Many of the plain and precious parts of the gospel were lost because the translators did not understand them so they left them out our or changed them.  Sometimes because of evil designs influenced by Satan.

Restoration of His Church and Gospel to the Earth

After centuries of darkness and apostasy, the time was ready for the establishment of the Dispensation of the Fullness of Times.  All through the scriptures we can read the words of the prophets of old talking about a time in the Latter Days when all things would be restored. 

Not just old things known before, but new things would be revealed which have never been revealed in previous Dispensations.

This would be the Final Dispensation of the Gospel before the Second Coming of the Lord to the earth.

In the pre-existence, the prophets of old were chosen, like Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Moses, Isaiah and the ones for the Last Days beginning with the Prophet Joseph Smith. 

This was all done before the earth was organized in the Grand Council in Heaven where the Stars sang and the Sons of God shouted for Joy.Yes, you were there at that council.  While here on earth for this Test, our memories are blocked by a veil, but the scriptures tell us about it plainly.

In the Spring of 1820 a fourteen year old boy, who was chosen as mentioned above, named Joseph Smith, was inspired to read in:

JAMES 1: 5-6

5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.

This inspiration to Joseph Smith is what initiated his seeking for answers on which church to joinHe didn't expect an open vision but an answer to his prayers like all of us do.  He had gone to the meetings of many of the churches, but was partial to the Methodists. 

But he still did not know for sure, so when he read those two verses mentioned above, he felt he should go and do what James directs.  He went to a grove of trees near his home and prayed.

To make the story short, he was visited by the God the Father who called Joseph by name, and introduced His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. 

When Joseph gathered himself the courage, he asked which church to joinHe was told by the Lord Jesus Christ to join none of them

He said that they were all wrong and did not preach His gospel but the precepts of men. 
He said that he would be the instrument in His hands to Re-Establish His church and Restore the Fullness of His Gospel to the earth in this, the Dispensation of the Fullness of Times.

The Gold Plates or the Book of Mormon

The ancient Prophet Moroni, son of the Prophet Mormon, was directed by the Lord Jesus Christ three years later to go to Joseph, and instruct him and give messages on the setting up of the church and kingdom.

Once the Book of Mormon was translated with the help of the Urim and Thummin and the inspiration of the Lord, he was ready to complete the work.

The priesthood authority of the Lord was not on the earth at that time so on May 15, 1829, John the Baptist came and bestowed the Aaronic Priesthood and in May or June 1829, the Higher or Melchizedek Priesthood was given by the ancient Apostles Peter, James and John.

Now that Authorized Authority was now on the earth and he was inspired to organize the Church of Jesus Christ on the earth again, on the date of April 6, 1830 with prophets and apostles as the foundation. 

In modern revelation the title “Latter Day Saints” was added to the church’s name, distinguishing them from His original “Former Day Saints,” He had established during His earthly minister. 

In a revelation to the Prophet Joseph Smith on April 26, 1838, the Lord Himself designated the name of His church:

Doctrine and Covenants 115: 4

4 For thus shall my church be called in the last days, even The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

This church would be founded on the Rock of Revelation and guided by revelation to His Prophets.  A misunderstanding of “Rock” as Peter was cleared up. 

When the Lord asked Peter, who he thought He was, Peter said, “”Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God.”  Jesus said:  “Peter, upon this Rock I will build my church” meaning upon the rock of revelation like Peter had received from God the Father, would be how He would direct His church and the work it had to do.


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