The Fullness of the Gospel is restored.
Now, in the Dispensation of the Fullness of Times, the Gospel has been given back to the earth through the bringing forth of the Book of Mormon.This book was recorded over a One Thousand year period, from 600 B.C. to 421 A.D. by a branch of the House of Israel who left Jerusalem and arrived in the Americas.
It was recorded and prepared especially for us in these Last Days. Those prophets who were recording in it were inspired by the Lord Jesus Christ, who was known as Jehovah at that time, to make it for us.
Since the Prophet Moroni was the last prophet to write in them, he was instructed to bury them in a stone box.
Because of that, in 1827 he was the prophet to transfer the record from himself, a prophet, to Joseph Smith, a modern prophet.
The Prophet Joseph Smith translated them into the Book of Mormon, naming it after Moroni’s father, Mormon, who compiled the massive records into a set of plates as the Lord inspired him to select. Because of what he did, we honor him, not worshiping him, by naming the Book after him.
After the Prophet Joseph Smith finished translating the Book of Mormon, he was instructed by the Lord to take the Bible and by inspiration by revelation, to correct many of the parts of the Bible that were translated incorrectly or replace the parts that were missing. Joseph did not do it on his own accord, but was instructed by the Lord Himself to do it.
Who else had the authority than the Lord Himself to have changes made to it? The Lord was the one who inspired the prophets and apostles to write what we have in the Bible now, except for the missing parts and mistranslations.
Spreading the Restored Gospel today
From the time Joseph Smith was chosen to establish the church on the earth again, he received many revelations on how to set up the latter day kingdom.These revelations were recorded in what is known as the Doctrine and Covenants of the church.
Many of the mysteries of the kingdom have been revealed in these revelations and they continue to come in these days.
The truth is now on the earth and we, as a church are instructed to enlighten and teach it to the world, including even the Pastors, Ministers and all other clergy because they do not have the restored Gospel.
We have had a succession of prophets since the Prophet Joseph Smith, and today, as of July 18, 2013, our current prophet is Prophet and President Thomas Spencer Monson. President Monson is the 16th president.
With the Book of Mormon, standing with the Bible, side by side, and the modern revelations we have received and continue to receive from the Lord, we are instructed to go throughout the world and teach the restored Gospel to every person.
The Work of Spreading the Gospel is Hastening
The work is hastening because the Second Coming is growing closer and so under inspiration President Monson has lowered the age requirements for missionaries to go out. 58 new missions were created recently. There are about 59,000 missionaries at this time with thousands more are on the way.Our prophets have told us that all members are missionaries. We are to spread the Gospel at work, when we are out and about, with our friends and anywhere else we can.
When the Prophet Joseph Smith had the plate, only about one third of the plates that he translated were the Book of Mormon.
Two thirds were sealed with a band and according to the scriptures, we will receive more scriptures when we learn to read and study the ones we already have.
This is meaning the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants (revelations today), and the Pearl of Great Price which have detailed revelations on the creation of the earth and an ancient record recorded by Abraham himself revealing things about the planets and the heavens and the Great Council in Heaven that we were all at before coming to the earth.
All of these revelations and scriptures are important to the world.
It tells them that we have a Heavenly Father and an Elder Brother who is Jehovah or Jesus Christ and is our Savior, because of His mission 2000 years ago, He left His Gospel and suffered for our sins and performed the Atonement for us to wipe away our sins IF we would repent of our sins and keep His commandments to the end.
To learn more of His Gospel, go to
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