Monday, January 7, 2013

Sign #18 - Fulfilling Of The Times Of The Gentiles

These Signs are all important.  This one is getting near.

1 NEPHI 13: 42

42 And the time cometh that he shall manifest himself unto all nations, both unto the Jews and also unto the Gentiles; and after he has manifested himself unto the Jews and also unto the Gentiles, then he shall manifest himself unto the Gentiles and also unto the Jews, and the last shall be first, and the first shall be last.

At the time of Christ's Ministry in the Dispensation of the Meridian of times, He brought His gospel to the Jews.  This makes them the FIRST.

After Christ was crucified, Peter became the President of the Church in the Meridian of time, being the head Apostle, and in that time Peter had a Vision, ACTS chapter 10, where he learned that they must now take the gospel to the Gentiles, but the work of taking it to the Gentiles was largely done by Paul in ROMANS 11: 13.

So, in the that Dispensation, the Jews were First to Receive, and the Gentiles were Last to Receive.

Now in the Last Days, the Dispensation of the Fullness of Times, His gospel was RESTORED and given to the Gentiles.  This makes them FIRST to receive the Restored Gospel.

And in these Last Days, WHEN the Gentiles begin to REJECT or NOT ACCEPT the RESTORED GOSPEL, then the: 


Then, the RESTORED GOSPEL will go to the JEWS.

Then, The Last (Gentiles) will be FIRST, Receiving the Restored Gospel, and the JEWS will be LAST.

This means the Gentiles will NOT have the Gospel taken to them anymore, they REJECTED IT.  Then, IF the Gentiles want to HEAR IT, they must COME TO US and ask us to preach it to them, because OUR CONCENTRATION will be TO THE JEWS.

Thus, The Last will be First and the First will be Last.  This Era is called the Times of the GentilesTHIS IS and WAS THEIR CHANCE.

This WILL NOT come to be in a specified Moment.  It will happen gradually.  It is happening NOW.  We are in that changeover period NOW.

LUKE 21: 24

24 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.

This is the transition period.  We are gathering Israel from ALL NATIONS

Most people accepting the Restored Gospel, DO NOT KNOW THEY HAVE THE BLOOD OF ISRAEL WITHIN THEM

When they accept the Gospel and get their Patriarchal Blessing, the Patriarch will DIVULGE their LINEAGE to them by THE SPIRIT OF GODThen they will know.

They are mostly Ephraim that, in their Heart, they feel this is Right, that this is what they are suppose to doTHEY ARE ISRAEL

A few are from ALL the other Tribes of Israel, but the Majority is Ephraim, because THIS IS THEIR MISSION to come together and Gather the rest of Israel.  The Time before the Second Coming is Short.

Revelation from the Lord, given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to the Church, at Kirtland, Ohio, 7 March 1831:

DOCTRINE and COVENANTS 45: 24 - 30

24 And this I have told you concerning Jerusalem; and when that day shall come, shall a remnant be scattered among all nations;
25 But they shall be gathered again; but they shall remain until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
26 And in that day shall be heard of wars and rumors of wars, and the whole earth shall be in commotion, and men’s hearts shall fail them, and they shall say that Christ delayeth his coming until the end of the earth.
27 And the love of men shall wax cold, and iniquity shall abound.
28 And when the times of the Gentiles is come in, (It has) a light shall break forth among them that sit in darkness, and it shall be the fulness of my gospel

(The Restored Gospel is NOW HERE)
29 But they receive it not; for they perceive not the light, and they turn their hearts from me because of the precepts of men
(People turn their hearts away from it because people tell them their opinions and what they think they should do, instead of listening to the Spirit and their Heart and following it instead,)
30 And in that generation shall the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.

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