When he REBELLED against the Father and the Son and the Plan of Salvation that the Father presented to ALL OF US, there was WAR in Heaven. He and one third of our brothers and sisters that agreed with him, were cast out of Heaven to the earth. They are now being used to Test us while we are here.
The Devil has his Temporary Power at this time. Here is what the Lord says:
D & C 1: 34-36
34 And again, verily I say unto you, O inhabitants of the earth: I the Lord am willing to make these things known unto all flesh;
35 For I am no respecter of persons, and will that all men shall know that the day speedily cometh; the hour is not yet, but is nigh at hand, when peace shall be taken from the earth, and the DEVIL shall have power over his own dominion.
(Which is the Earth).
36 And also the Lord shall have power over his saints, and shall reign in their midst, and shall come down in judgment upon Idumea, or the world.
The same spirit that was with the Nephites and with the Jaredites who cared nothing for each other, but to destroy one another is here also, TODAY, on the earth and will increase until the Wicked destroy each other.
Unfortunately, some good people will fall prey but they will not loose their Blessings when Judgement comes.
We came to be Tested for Greater Things After this life, to see if we will be allowed to have Power and Responsibility, and Making Decisions.
We are to PROVE ourselves to Him and To Ourselves, our abilities.
We are being Tested in all things. We will be Judged by our decisions, and will be Blessed or Condemned for them, INCLUDING our THOUGHTS. Everything is Recorded in Heaven and IN OURSELVES.
EXCEPT, The things we REPENT of and DON'T DO AGAIN. Those will be Erased in us and in Heaven.
Here is what the Lord said to us, TODAY, in Modern Revelation on this:
D & C 58: 42
42 Behold, he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more.
(If someone Repents of a Sin, and does it again, He HAS NOT really Repented, and the FORMER SIN WILL BE GIVEN BACK TO HIM.
Sexual Sins are next to Murder in God's Eyes and need to be confessed to the proper authority, which in the LDS Church, is the Bishop. If the person will follow the instructions and work out the steps he recommends, that person and the Lord can take care of the rest, then it CAN BE OVERCOME.
The hardest part of Repentance and Forgiveness is the Forgiving of Ourselves, but we have to Remember, the Lord HAS FORGIVEN US already and will remember it no more.
(The Lord designated BISHOPS in the LDS Church as the JUDGES in ISRAEL).
(I will later, in another post, give details and the Scriptures, on what happened then, and if you have the spirit with you, you will feel, in your heart, what I will be telling you, is True.)
WE ALL had our FREE AGENCY there, as we do here. The Plan gave us the choice to choose between GOOD and EVIL, and we would be held to that Decision, whichever way things go.
WE have Agency to choose what we may, BUT we DO NOT have a Choice of the Consequences of our choice. Those things are set, Eternal Laws.
In the Father's Plan, a SAVIOR would be chosen. He was. It was Jehovah, who came to the earth and we know Him as Jesus Christ. He came and worked out the plan for us to make it back.
His suffering and Resurrection gave ALL OF US, IMMORTALITY. ALL will be Resurrected and have Immortal Bodies.
This includes: ADAM down to the LAST PERSON who will EVER live on the earth, TIL the END OF THE MILLENNIUM.
YES, this Immortality will INCLUDE, ALL THE WICKED, including HITLER.
At Judgement, the Lord will decide WHERE each one will go and suffer WITH their IMMORTAL BODIES forever or LIVE in the Kingdoms of Glory in Happiness.
ETERNAL LIFE and EXALTATION is a Different Case. ALL must EARN THIS.
(another separate post will be Required to Explain this in detail)
Peace will NOT COME TO THE EARTH until the PRINCE of PEACE (The Lord) will RETURN with POWER and GLORY to DESTROY the WARRING NATIONS and He will Finally Bring Peace.
For more information go to www.lds.org
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