Friday, January 18, 2013

Sign #36 - There Will Be Bloodshed, Riots, Famines And Hunger On A Mass Scale

There will be greed in the hearts of men and many will look for Security in their lives, without looking to God.

There will be many looking for "something for nothing," and looking to the government for Socialist types of Legislation that will give them that. 


Many people cannot understand that the government has NO MONEY unless it is taken from us in TAXES

It would be better NOT to have so many taxes and have more in the people's pockets so they would NOT NEED the Government to GIVE THEM from this ENDLESS SUPPLY of Money they suppose to have.


When you do, they RAISE the Taxes so they can give it back to you.

Economic inequalities will only make class warfare and bickering worse.


When the dollar crashes, the stores will become Empty within 3 or 4 days

Trucks on the highway will be stopped and raided.  That's only IF there are trucks on the highway. 

Manufacturers and providers will not be in business because they will not have any GOOD MONEY like silver or gold to pay their employees or Buy raw goods to use to make their products, if there are any existing. 

So, people will stay home and not go to work

Nothing is made.  Like I said before, stores will be empty in days. 

What you have in your home is what you have.

People with some silver, like Junk Silver which is silver that is only good for the silver content, which goes up as the dollar goes down, old dimes, quarters and halves, made BEFORE 1964 would have some value for trading. 

But, what's to buy.  Everything is out or gone.  You should have some, not alot, of this.

Best is Food Storage, this is will be more valuable than silver or gold, water storage, guns and ammo for protection of your family ONLY.  If you have the other items mentioned, you will NOT have to go outside and be like the mobs, hunting for food. 

Stores without food? 

Many will be roaming in groups or mobs, going from House to House

People do Bad things when they are starving.

We see alot of this in Europe and Asia, and it looks bad, but that is Nothing compared to what is coming.

The Lord has been and is NOW Warning us to REPENT and KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS, but MOST ARE NOT LISTENING thinking they Know Best.

It is only going to go on for so long before His Major Judgements come.

IT IS ALL COMING.  If you think it is Far Off, you are just fooling yourself.

It is here and on the increase. 

Many in the USA are sleeping.  We have lived the Life of Riley. 

We have never had war, except the Civil War, on our soil so No One is Looking for it or preparing for Bad Times.

What a Shock is coming. 

Pray, Read the Scriptures and prepare and do good to others. 

That's all we can do. 


Research the scriptures given for US TODAY, about today in the Doctrine and Covenants, but much has been said in the Bible, Book of Mormon and Pearl of Great price.  

All this is found at  Look under SCRIPTURES.

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