Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Sign #22 - The Lord Has Come To His Temple

As mentioned in Sign #21 having to do with Temples, The Lord's appearance to His Temple is a Major Sign in itself.  It is worth recording and repeating.

Malachi recorded that the Lord would, in the Last Days, come to His Temple and reveal the Sacred Ordinances that is needed to be performed there.  SKIP down and SEE MALACHI below.

These Sacred Ordinances are needed by ALL men and women on the earth for their salvation.

The key is, you have to be a member of the Lord's Restored Church.  The Kingdom of God now on the Earth

Living people need to take Action, themselves to do this, but those who have passed on, the work for them is being performed by PROXY for them in the Temples

Even though the work is done for them, THEY STILL have Free Agency of Choice, to accept it there in the Spirit WorldThey can Reject it if they want

The Lord leaves the choice up to them, no matter what any of their kindred on the earth say or do

Their Kindred on earth can stop the work for them, by law, here on the earth, but eventually the Lord will ALLOW them LATER to have THEIR OWN CHOICE

NO ONE can loose their blessings because of someone else.

PROXY is where someone stands in place of someone who cannot do it for themselves

For example, The Lord performed the Atonement, by PROXY, for all those who live on the earth, Good people and Evil people. 

ALL will be Resurrected and Stand before Him for Judgement because EVERYONE WILL BECOME IMMORTAL. 

THAT IS UNCONDITIONAL.  They will live FOREVER butAT FINAL JUDGEMENT, they will find out, because of HOW they lived while on the Earth, what Kingdom they will exist in for Eternity

A fallacy that the world teaches is that there is only ONE PLACE in Heaven and ALL will be there


Heavenly Fathers children, which all of us are, who were GOOD and did what they were suppose to do while on Earth and Repent of their Sins and Keep the Commandments and accept HIM as their Savior and Redeemer, will live in a Kingdom that they Merit and be able to PROGRESS ON in that Kingdom they are assigned, but NOT move into a Different KingdomThat is why there is a FINAL JUDGEMENT.  

He has commissioned His Saints to perform, by Proxy, the ordinances needed for all those who have passed on

Then the Work done for them, to be accepted by those that are dead, is UP TO THEM TO ACCEPT THERE in the Spirit World

NO ONE ELSE can Make them AcceptIT IS UP TO THEM.

This work for the dead WILL NOT BE FINISHED by the Millennium because there is so much.  We are told, that FAMILY HISTORY WORK and TEMPLE WORK FOR THE DEAD will be the MAIN WORK IN THE MILLENNIUM

It's going to take a Thousand Years to complete.

This record from Malachi is:


1 Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of hosts.

This happened:  Visions manifested to Joseph Smith the Prophet and Oliver Cowdery in the temple at Kirtland, Ohio, 3 April 1836. 

Instead of repeating it, click Link below.

DOCTRINE and COVENANTS 110: 1 - 10

This has duel fulfillment because The Lord has ALREADY come to the First Temple in this Dispensation, and He will come to Each of His Temples, including the Temple in ZION, THE NEW JERUSALEM in Jackson County, Missouri, when it is completed. 

A Latter Day Prophet said it would be built there, but How and When the Lord will have it come about is not known, YET.  But, what the Lord says, Will Be Done.

For further research go to www.lds.org.

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